Pastor Manning’s 4 Word Assessment of the Obama Administration is Brutal – IOTW Report

Pastor Manning’s 4 Word Assessment of the Obama Administration is Brutal

It comes at the end.

24 Comments on Pastor Manning’s 4 Word Assessment of the Obama Administration is Brutal

  1. He didn’t fail because he was half black. He failed because the color of his and the many others behind the scene politics was bright red, and anti-American to the core. He was (and is) an enemy plant, basically.

  2. Turbo – – brite red and muslim as well. Many of the government leaks we are seeing are most likely by muslim operatives placed in strategic positions by Obama.

  3. Manning is No good He hates Trump, He hates whites He is a Hater. He does not practice what he preaches so that makes him a…. Hmmm A liar you can’t serve two Masters.

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