Pat Condell- Message To Savages – IOTW Report

Pat Condell- Message To Savages

This is Condell's most scathing rebuke of multiculturalism.


A Word To The Criminal Migrant from Pat Condell on Vimeo.


18 Comments on Pat Condell- Message To Savages

  1. One thing he is wrong about is that the citizens relying on simple democratic principles will be enough to turn the tide. These invaders need to be completely defeated, nothing else will do.

  2. Needed straight talk observations by someone who sees clearly what is happening, and will say so publicly. But are the citizens there (or here) willing to hear it or too apathetic to do what is needed to be done? They didn’t listen to Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech.

  3. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating…the people of the United Kingdom should declare this man a national treasure. The world needs many, many, many more just like him. And throw in a few million Geert Wilders for good measure.

  4. Well it’s good that Pat finally is opening up and expressing himself — but I’m afraid he represents a small minority of Europeans and that the vast majority are leftist cowardly brainwashed spineless neutered SJW spongeheads who would rather their countries be flattened than someone consider them ‘racist.’

  5. “This is about to end. You will all be deported.”
    Sorry Pat, but as much as that would be wonderful to happen it just ain’t gonna happen. The countries of Europe ARE DONE. And that goes for the UK and DEFINITELY for Scandinavia. Your birthrates will never recover, your politicians will never allow themselves to be dethroned, and the muzzie scum will never be dealt with. Your laws and ‘multiculturalism’ won’t allow it. It will all go down the drain, and a couple of generations from now it will all be one continent-wide 3rd world cesspool. EUROPE. IS. DONE. sorry…

  6. The man knows what he’s talking about.., and he doesn’t mince words, calling them what they are..cockroaches and parasites.., invaders.. need more like him.., maybe he can be Trumps UK spokesman..

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