Pat McAfee Slams ESPN for Awarding Prince Harry the Pat Tillman Award (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Pat McAfee Slams ESPN for Awarding Prince Harry the Pat Tillman Award (VIDEO)

h/t Brad

GP: Former NFL punter and current ESPN analyst Pat McAfee blasted ESPN for planning to award Prince Harry the Pat Tillman Award for Service at the upcoming ESPYs award ceremony.

On Friday, McAfee shared that ESPN is attempting to “piss people off” by awarding Prince Harry an award named after the late Pat Tillman, who was a strong safety for the Arizona Cardinals that later enlisted in the U.S. Army following the September 11th attacks.

McAfee shared that the Pat Tillman award is “Going to Prince Harry, Who I don’t even think is a Prince anymore, right? He said don’t call me that? See, why does the ESPYs do this sh*t?” more

31 Comments on Pat McAfee Slams ESPN for Awarding Prince Harry the Pat Tillman Award (VIDEO)

  1. Prince Harry is not, will not and ever be any kind of hero. Prince Harry is a cuck who is pussy whipped by his harridan celebrity wannabe wife. Why honor him or any member of the inbred British royal family, he’s not even a friggin American, he deserves nothing but scorn for his profligate lifestyle. There has to a worthy hero deserving of this ESPN award out there somewhere. ESPN also sucks since they’re part of Disney’s woke anti-American propaganda.

  2. Corporal Patrick Daniel Tillman Jr. – A true hero who laid down a lucrative career to selflessly serve his Country, and made the ultimate sacrifice for her and us all.

  3. Harry Mountbatten-Windsor – “served” in an unearned public relations role, sacrificing his dignity and that of his nation and this one for a whore.

    Not even close.

    Not even similar.

    I refuse to dignify that entitled failed playboy with even having THIS in the same comment as that above comparing him with the man whose award they want to smut with this dilettante fraud.

    Because there IS no comparison.

  4. “Merit” awards have become nothing more than meaningless trinkets handed out to those “in the club”. Harry has done nothing to significantly impact the world. Born into wealth and power, living a hedonistic lifestyle and marrying a manipulative gold digger with absolutely no redeeming qualities does not make someone special in any way. Like most things in American society today, these type awards have become an embarrassing joke like most things defiled by the liberal “elite”.

  5. Sooo in other words, ESPN is reducing the award to:
    “Harry’s Handjob”!

    While they’re at it, might as well throw in a Nobel Peace Prize along with it for all it’s worth these days after they destroyed it by giving it to that phoney-baloney, plastic bananna republic socialist hood-ornament known as the Kenyan Kremepuff himself!

  6. @ Harry (no relation) MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 9:46 AT 9:46 AM

    Ya’ beat me to it. Any thing the progressive movement becomes involved in they do so in order to take over and use it to serve Satan. Every last thing.

  7. 1. Prince Harry is an asshole and I despise him.

    2. He attended Sandhurst and spent 10 years in the UK military.

    3. Prince Harry is an asshole and I despise him.

    4. He was a forward air controller in Afghanistan but was pulled out early (reportedly against his wishes) when his location and role was leaked.

    5. Prince Harry is an asshole and I despise him.

    6. He subsequently returned to Afghanistan where he as an Apache copilot and gunner.

    7. Prince Harry is an asshole and I despise him.

    8. He was instrumental in founding and setting up the Invictus Games, “an international sporting event for wounded, injured and sick service personnel and veterans.”

    9. Prince Harry is an asshole and I despise him, but it seems he did some good with his pampered and privileged life. And then blew it all by marrying a cock-teasing, loudmouth, shrewish leech of a wife with no appreciation for anything other than her center-of-the-universe self.

  8. Don’t care. I’ll tune into ESPN if there is a game I want to watch, but there are only one or two ESPN reporters I can name and I don’t watch them or any other ESPN show.

    I know – many people think we all should care about everything. But I don’t have time for that, so I pick and choose. At some point, ESPN went from sports to woke reporting, and they lost me. Maybe ESPN has pivoted back to sports more, but I was already gone.

  9. @SNS — The idea of finding some redeeming value in Jane Fonda popped into my head, stayed there approximately 0.25 µsec, and then sped away shouting “That commie twat can go fuck herself” over its shoulder.

    It’s not worth even mentioning Klute and Coming Home.🙄

  10. ESPN is down one sports commentator now that Bill Walton just croaked recently. I couldn’t stand it when he was commenting during a college basketball game and I had to mute the TV volume. He just wouldn’t shut up about how great smoking pot is, the ungrateful dead and his hippie ecoweenie privileged lifestyle.

  11. Uncle Al
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 11:08 AT 11:08 AM
    “@SNS — That marshmallow is a nice touch”

    …I didnt create it, but I like it too. Probably not intentionally I find it to be a pretty good commentary to what modern Disney is deliberately doing to their own formerly beloved IPs and characters, especially MALE characters, but since its OT I wont…talk…about…i…


  12. …but if you think about it, maybe a discussion of the continuing, deliberate erosion of how masculinity is viewed IS relevant to this thread.

    After all, if they are giving a cuckolded, priviledged twink like Princess Harry an award created with an archetype of masculinity like Corporal Patrick Daniel Tillman Jr. in mind, perhaps that, TOO, is a deliberate messaging choice and an attempt, once again, to redefine “masculinity” as subservience to the feminine in text AND subtext, to define down the Western White Male to a milquetoast eunich…

    …after all, give the devil his due, he seldom misses an opportunity to have his minions spread “THE MESSAGE”.

    And ESPN can certainly be numbered among his legion of minions indeed…

  13. “ attempting to “piss people off”

    No shit. It worked with me. I guess they figure their audience is tooo big. Hopefully this does the trick. I haven’t watched them in over a decade. Doesn’t Disney own them?

  14. Brad
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 13:36 AT 1:36 PM
    “What kills me is that pink little bitch had the balls to accept the award.”

    …probably his WIFE had HIS ballz, and TOLD him to accept it so SHE would have something to brag about with her boyfriend later…

  15. The idea for the Invictus Games was ripped off from The Warrior Games. The games were made possible with seed money from The Royal Foundation headed by Prick Harry’s brother and sister-in-law, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Prick Harry DID not found the games.

    The games have become nothing more than a vehicle for Harry’s slut wife to parade around in tens of thousands of dollars of clothing, that she most certainly bills to the games. Last year the shameless hussy led some veterans in a march whilst wearing a romper, her bunioned feet adorned with flip flops. A fundraiser for the games, which was to be hosted by a rival to Netflix was cancelled, due to Harry’s deal with Netflix.

    Pat Tillman’s mother has expressed her opposition to Prick Harry receiving the award named for her son and rabid fans of Harry and his wife, the so-called Sussex Squad, are attacking her viciously on social media. There is a petition on change(dot)org requesting ESPN to rethink giving Harry this award. The petition has over 36,000 signatures.

  16. @Uncle Al

    My apologies for mentioning Klute a couple of weeks ago. It was for Donald Sutherland, not Jane Fonda.

    As far as “Prince Harry” goes, all I would be in favor of giving him is an exit visa out of the US. Both him and his nasty-nosed wife wore out their welcome a long time ago.

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