Pathetic Hillary Clinton: Trump’s ‘Guilty Conscience’ Over 2016 Is Why He’s ‘Obsessed With Me’ – IOTW Report

Pathetic Hillary Clinton: Trump’s ‘Guilty Conscience’ Over 2016 Is Why He’s ‘Obsessed With Me’

Wow. The woman needs her own chapter in the mental illness section of medical dictionaries.

No, you fainting goat. You’re not.

WFB: Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said President Donald Trump “knows he’s an illegitimate president” in an interview in which she called for him to be impeached and removed from office.

CBS Sunday Morning‘s Jane Pauley asked why no Democratic candidates want to talk about Clinton, the party’s previous nominee, while Trump likes to bring her up on Twitter and in speeches. Clinton said it’s all a product of Trump’s guilty conscience about 2016.

“I know that he knows that this wasn’t on the level. I don’t know we’ll ever know everything that happened, but clearly we know a lot and are learning more every day, and history will probably sort it all out,” she said. “So of course he’s obsessed with me. And I believe that it’s a guilty conscience, in so much as he has a conscience.”

Clinton took “responsibility” for her defeat but argued it was the product of unpredictable forces. read more

22 Comments on Pathetic Hillary Clinton: Trump’s ‘Guilty Conscience’ Over 2016 Is Why He’s ‘Obsessed With Me’

  1. There’s Nacho El Presidente ! Knew it was coming.
    “I know that she knows that this wasn’t on the level. I don’t know we’ll ever know everything that happened, but clearly we know a lot and are learning more every day, and history will probably sort it all out,” he said. “So of course she’s obsessed with me. And I believe that it’s a guilty conscience, in so much as she has a conscience.”
    “Parody” – Shitless
    If President Trump had said this, all you would hear is: “Im Pee Fo Tee Fi”.

  2. Thousands of unemployed Macedonian Content Farmers agree with President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Donald J. Trump is absolutely abscessed with the most qualified person to ever run for anything in the history of this country. We can all pray that his oozing abscess gets lanced by Attorney General Barr’s investigation of her illegitimate private server.

  3. Although I was raised to never strike a woman, it would be most interesting if I ever by chance ran across this harridan.
    Or Lois Lerner.
    Or Susan Rice.
    But not Mooch. I know better than to throw down with a linebacker twice my size.
    No matter how much loathing I’m restraining.

  4. Hillary just projected her own mindset onto Trump with not a thread left dangling. That was TOTAL projection. The left is in a state of 100% pure, unalloyed projection. There’s no reason why they should leave it either. It works on a stupid population. They’ve got no reason to stop their projection. The left is ALL projection.

    They’re the racially obsessed side. Accuse the right of racism.

    Feminists are vicious sexists. Accuse the right of sexism.

    Feminists are seeking total control. Accuse the right of a mythical patriarchy.

    The left is corrupt. Accuse the right of this weird Russia thing then on to the Ukraine.

    The left seeks total control. Accuse the right of fascism.

  5. How about Shilllary’s guilty conscience:
    Illegal handling of secure email,
    Death of four citizens at US compound,Benghazi,
    Filling the state Dept with corruption, 130 employee’s
    Two deaths in the White House.
    Concealing subpoenaed Law Firm records in White House,
    Trail of 50+ Dead Bodies from Arkansas to DC,
    These are just off the top of my head.


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