Pathetic Sad Bitter Dying Man Takes Another Pathetic Sad Bitter Shot At Trump – IOTW Report

Pathetic Sad Bitter Dying Man Takes Another Pathetic Sad Bitter Shot At Trump

It comes at the end.

BizPac has more, explaining why McCain’s remarks are out of bounds.


28 Comments on Pathetic Sad Bitter Dying Man Takes Another Pathetic Sad Bitter Shot At Trump

  1. Just within a few days, several articles written and posted by well-known and respected writers have been posted on the Web about the dastardly character of John McCain. Even if not receiving the judgment he has deserved in life, he will surely get it when he passes into Hell and eternity. However, he must actually be reported dead before it will be a reality that he will never have any more opportunity and power to continue to destroy America.

  2. What a pig. He’s using his Vietnam experience to jab at the President. I guess he still depends on most people being unaware of the truth about his time there. John, you were a lowdown backstabber then and you’re one to this day.

  3. McCain is a liar. The draft cut across all economic and ethnicity lines.

    What’s worse John? The guy that got a legitimate deferment or the son of an Admiral, who attended and graduated the Naval Academy because of his Dad, who was an arrogant shitbird showoff knowing he couldn’t be touched because of Daddy, then becomes a traitor to the US by providing intelligence and anti-US propagandize to the North Vietnamese.

    Release his military records and testimony from when he was held captive and the USS Forestall disaster while this POS is alive, just so he knows everyone will know he’s truly a POS not worthy of the lofty position of US Senator, let alone President.

    One swamp mate soon to be replaced !!! Not soon enough.

  4. War’s a nasty, profitable business. McCain enlisted/served and experienced the deepest level(s) of human suffering, yet when in the position to prevent at all costs, his fellow countrymen from exposure to war(s), he’s voted for & funded every conflict. Every. Single. Time.

    I believe there’s good in every human being, however, his legacy will not be that of a honorable war hero or virtuous statesman. No, he will be remembered as a vengeful, petty, evil, greedy war monger.

    To spend his dying days lashing out at the president speaks to his insecurity as a man, but to pen his grievances in an attempt to have the final word will not bode well in the annals of history.

  5. Anon 7:29
    I’d also like to visit him to pay my respects.
    After he’s dead.
    At his gravesite.
    With a kegger.
    But it might be a long wait behind all the other GIs who would want to “pay their respects”.

  6. You want to go back in time to settle old scores, Maverick? Well, let’s go…

    “Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.”

  7. I’m with Cato. POTUS should release all the dirt on McStain now, while that traitor is still alive to writhe and snarl and hiss, like Dracula shown a crucifix.

    McCain is already widely loathed. When the public really sees the lifelong dirtbag he’s been, it will add fuel to the RINO funeral pyre.

    Bannon should release the dirt on Songbird.

  8. @Rufus T Firefly…

    “…no outsider I know of has ever seen a non-redacted copy of the debriefing of McCain when he returned from captivity, which is classified but could be made public by McCain.”

    …or PDT. (from same link as above)

  9. @ThirdTwin, thanks. PDT has YUGE leverage in being able to threaten to declassify and make public the sealed files and classified docs involving a LOT of incumbents. And political dynasties (Kennedy, Bush, Clinton).

    I’m sure PDT is aware. I’d like to see Obama’s college records and passport travel records, for starters, and his SS number history. For a start.

  10. The topper to his career as a professional politician was his membership in the Keating Five group of scoundrels who cost the American Taxpayers 1 trillion dollars!

  11. What’s next? He runs into the Oval and pulls a knife on Trump? He’s getting a little cagey, isn’t he?
    Isn’t there a risk of him blabbing secrets or doing something that could put the country at risk because of his brain cancer?

  12. Something was wrong with my sound track of the interview. All I heard was whining braying, which was appropriate, considering a leftist traitor to his party, was trying to speak.

  13. My hate for this clown goes back to the early 2000s. When he started up the amnesty crap for the 2nd time in one year while W was president. He got an earful about it but still giggled and eyerolled on TV. Even when the ‘brick’ campaign was underway. And still, I voted for this POS ( actually, for Sarah ) in 2008. He clearly tanked his own campaign by letting 0bama run him ragged. And then we find out his staff behaved assholishly to Palin. He ridicules Conservatives every chance he gets, he never met a war he didn’t like, and now he spreads around a fake dossier about a guy who beat everyone fair and square because he’s so butthurt and petty! WTF? Well, mr. “watch the show”, watch the show from hell when you’re dead and you have to take everything we say about you and your scandals, both personal and political. Oh and the best part? TRUMP WILL STILL BE PRESIDENT.

  14. Loser McCain puts the mouth on Trump for not joining the service but McCain idolizes Bill Clinton? Trump should release McCain’s records. Revealing the truth will cause McCain to die faster. Speaking of releasing records, has anyone seen John Fraud Kerry’s records? He served in Viet Nam.

  15. “Is it just me or is he channeling ted kennedy, especially with his snit on the draft?”

    That, and his running to the Russians to help him sabotage a Republican President.

  16. “He clearly tanked his own campaign by letting 0bama run him ragged.”

    Remember when maverick suspended his campaign and tried to postpone a debate because he needed to go back to the Senate and baste himself in the Financial Crisis? Even the other GOPers were scratching their heads at that stunt.

  17. Thirdtwin, yes! At that point, it showed me he was uncoordinated, and would never be able to multi-task as a leader. He’s a country club Republican, not a leader. Maverick??? Anytime he does something stupid it’s because he’s a ‘maverick’ and we just misunderstood him.

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