Patriot Day – Remember 9-11 – IOTW Report

Patriot Day – Remember 9-11

It has been 15 years since 9-11-2001 and four years since 9-11-2012. We will never forget.


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18 Comments on Patriot Day – Remember 9-11

  1. The soaring eagle makes my heart swell. My emotions are on shaky ground today. Praying before I even get to church for safety of country and family. Mr. Tired Mom (aka tired Dad) is flying home today from Minnesotastan (I like the twin cities less and less). Middle child flying from Boston today after a visit with her aunt. How did I end up with two family members in the sky today? My nerves are raw. I pray the spirit of that soaring eagle and the protection of the Lord is with them. In the meantime, I’ll keep looking at the pic of that dog holding the flag. Adorable!

  2. I may be deplorable, but I love this country.
    This place is the fertile ground where the seeds of human ingenuity, productivity, and invention can find purchase.
    This Country is the last redoubt from the tyrants of the world.
    Lazlo lost a buddy from the old High School days yesterday.
    Keeled over from a heart attack.
    I feel all disjointed today.
    My heart is heavy today, but I am filled with pride for my country, resolve to make it a better place today than yesterday, and great love for the selfless sacrifice of all the others who came before me and gave all they had to give.
    America, First and Last and Always

  3. Just woke up. Reading this blog is the second thing I’m doing today. The first was hoisting up the American flag out front. My neighbor will take the clue in about an hour and hoist his flag. No one else around here will, it’s pretty sad actually.

  4. Right about now, exactly 15 years ago, I had pulled over at a stop on the NJTP. It’s a bit of a story, and, I suppose not very riveting, except the obvious, and seeing the towers much closer from an upper story about half an hour later.

    The turnpike was never so empty as it was that day, except seeing hundreds of unmarked vehicles (including a lot of beaters) with flashing grille lights, at first trickling and then streaming along with emergency vehicles northbound.

    It was my last night as a bartender in Baltimore before hitting the road again. Live music shut down after an hour. There was only one patron.

    A lot of memories. I should probably write it out before too long.

  5. I will despise to my dying breath Islam and all who spread its demonic filth. 15 years ago today I learned everything I needed to know about it. Islam is the enemy of America, and all decent people world wide. The 9/11 attacks made my mother cry out of fear. A woman who feared nothing, but remembered the attack on Pearl Harbor and thought it was happening again. For that alone I would gladly condemn Islam to nuclear hellfire, or worse, if it were in my power. On this day I will face East and urinate on Mohammeds memory and raise my middle finger to Mecca. F**K Islam to hell, F**K Islam to DEATH, F**K Islam FOREVER!

  6. I touched one of the twisted girders from the WTC just yesterday at the Marine Corps Museum in Quantoco, VA just yesterday. Museum is a must see for everybody, whether you served or not. Give yourself plenty
    Of time. Bring a tissue or three.

    A very hearty THANK YOU to all active duty and retired Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Emergency responders today. And every day.

  7. Quantico. iPhone did that. Sorry.

    We were in a beach rental on Cape Cod that day and just happened to turn on the tv for the first time right around 9am. Shortly there after I saw F16s scrambling southward from Otis AFB headed to NYC.

  8. I was in my office by Pearson International Airport that day and our corporate head called to tell us to close the office. I politely declined and asked her whether they had any of out American friends in town that needed a place to stay. There weren’t but it was incredible watching this huge airport start to fill with planes with no place to go filling up the runways all day long. The Airport people did a helluva job on that tragic day.

  9. @wakeman. And fucking reelected him. After Nidal Hassan. After Ben ghazi. While emptying gitmo and sending billions to Iran.

    The people who voted for him the first time should be ashamed. Those that voted for him
    The second time? No punishment is too severe.

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