Patriot Prayer Member Murdered In Portland – IOTW Report

Patriot Prayer Member Murdered In Portland

Red State

Earlier Saturday evening there was a caravan Pro-Trump rally of a few hundred cars by some estimates, which rolled through the streets of downtown Portland in the hours prior to Antifa/BLM usually kicking off their evening festivities at the invitation of Mayor Ted Wheeler and DA Mike Schmidt.

While that was underway, what appears to have been a targeted killing of a Trump supporter, a member of a group called “Patriot Prayer,” took place in the middle of a Portland street — and it was all captured on video under very suspicious circumstances. More

29 Comments on Patriot Prayer Member Murdered In Portland

  1. “…a targeted killing of a Trump supporter…”

    Huh, just like in Wisconsin, where “a Black man was mercilessly murdered in broad daylight” to paraphrase the ACTUAL words regarding the rapist scumbag the police justifiably shot in Kenosha, the piece of shit asshole fuckwad of an inciting, genocide promoting damned bastard of a cocksucking excuse for a governor, Democrat and vermin Tony Evers may he damn himself to the depest bowls of hell.

    That man’s name was Bernell Trammel, a 60 year old who’s worst crime was openly supporting President Trump.

    Remember his name,

    Because that filthy, power-grubbing Democrat shithead governor Evers who’s trying to get ALL the Trump supporters and police officers killed with his half-cocked, bombastic propaganda because, muh power, sure as HELL won’t…

  2. As near as I can tell, the Trump supporters were peaceful and causing no trouble and the BLM, having shown up ready for violence, just attacked them without warning or cause.

    Maybe I’m wrong about it, my opinion is preliminary and subject to change if more evidence shows up indicating otherwise.

    FWIW. this is what the Left is like and if Trump wins -he probably will with the Democrats conducting a negative publicity campaign against themselves- I imagine this is going to be considered normal for the coming 4 years, maybe even escalating as time goes by.

    This shows what we’re up against, and anyone not prepared or preparing for is is being a fool at this point.

  3. This is like Crips vs. Bloods. ‘Black Lives Matter’ vs. ‘Blue Lives Matter’ – except that for at least one group the label is nothing more than a label.

    I honestly can’t see the violence getting worse than this, for two reasons. First, I don’t think they are really holding anything back now, and I think there are few on the fringe of engaging who would increase the numbers. Second, with Trump’s reelection and a lot of change in local governments as well, I see more clampdown on violent behavior. I also see cuts to the income sources for these people who clearly don’t have jobs yet somehow have resources.

  4. They targeted this guy because he was trying to stop the burning and looting of a business and targeted him by his attire.

    If you’re going to a liberal city to “counterprotest”, some of your group needs to be in a sniper’s nest on the route.

  5. Before anything else had come out last night the Ministry of Truth had already said it was not connected to the rioting in Portland.

    Looks to me as though this was planned. It was if the Ministry of Truth already had drafted the narrative and had it queued up and ready to hit publish as soon as they got the message to post it.

  6. That truck and car rally was 600 strong. I passed them on the way home from work, what a site. Police were lining the roads waving at them.
    If you’re going to go downtown Portland go in groups and have people watch your back. Not safe. Communists don’t play fair.

  7. The mob targeted and surrounded 3 others (two men and a woman) and followed them as they tried to leave . They assaulted them along the way. They finally came to a gas station where the 3 were able to escape inside. The mob began smashing the windows. A young man stood in front of the door to try to stop them and he was immediately assaulted and called a “Nazi.” The police arrived just at that moment. I watched this all happening live last night and am still struggling to grasp that this is happening on the streets of America, largely unhindered.

    This all has happened on the heels of Ted Wheeler issuing a letter to the public explaining how he has refused help from the President.

  8. Anonymous AUGUST 30, 2020 AT 9:33 AM
    “As near as I can tell, the Trump supporters were peaceful and causing no trouble and the BLM, having shown up ready for violence, just attacked them without warning or cause.”

    …and that’s the problem.

    If we fight by the Marquis of Queensbury rules and they fight MMA or street brawl, we will lose.


    …this is truly the situation that the saying “Take the Gloves Off” was invented for, until we DO, we will continue to lose, sometimes our lives…

    …I reached a point a long time ago that the only death I’m not prepared to explain is my own. That’s why I carry. I am not armed for decoration, but to protect myself and my family.

    They will not hesitate to kill.

    Neither should we if they invite it.

    You can’t win a war if only one side is fighting, and you can never win a war with defense.

    One day, we either take it back, or we surrender.

    What we’re doing now makes no difference as we are not trying to win.

    And they ARE.

    They don’t care if we count our electoral votes as long as they can make us count our dead as well.

    Because they will win THAT way if they need to.

    And I don’t see any Government agency, even the supposedly Trump-led ones, doing anything to STOP them.

    the Gandhi method won’t work for Trump supporters.

    The British worried about international opinion.

    Democrats have it on their SIDE.

    …sooner or later, more than one 17 year old are going to have to return fire, or we will be burned in the camps instead.

    …the only problem with a Civil War is that no one tells you when they start.

    …at least, they didn’t tell CONSERVATIVES.

    They apparently told Democrats quite awhile ago.

    We’ve got a LOT of catching up to do, and signs and slogans ain’t gonna cut it…

  9. Anyone else remember the Malhuer wilderness occupation in eastern Oregon a few years ago? No violence, no lives threatened, no businesses burned. Back then Governor Kate Brownshirt sent in Oregon State Police, the feds, and anyone else she could round up. They ended up murdering the leader, Levoy Finnicum. And the left cheered that killing. Now, over 100 days of rioting, and Kate just sits there with her thumb in her ass.

  10. It was a political assassination. It’s that simple. The Democrats are going to find out what they have unleashed.

    Internecine war is a defining characteristic of Marxist groups and as local Democrat politicians begin to wake up and smell the coffee they will back off from enabling these riots.

    The background of the three shot in Kenosha is indicative of what the Marxist revolutionaries and George Soros hirelings are comprised of. The Democrat Party went out and actively recruited rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists and have distributed them among the radical feminists and teacher’s union members that they can always count on to show up and chant vacuous slogans.

    They have unleashed the wind, the day is coming that they will reap the whirlwind.

  11. AFascist should not have killed in cold blood. The retribution will be terrible. This is the beginning of the end or nightly riots in Portland. Soy tainted blood will flow.

  12. The Trump Rally started at Clackamas Town Center at 4 in the afternoon. There were lots of trucks, cars and people. I saw it on the news at 6:15 and posted it to the Bullpen last night. Now this morning I see that a Patriot Prayer member got shot DOWNTOWN last night. Somehow, I doubt that this was related to the hundreds of trucks and cars from Clackamas. Joey Gibson(PatriotPrayer) seems to like going down to the enemy zone and stir things up. Folks, DON’T DO THAT!!! I have a map of Portland posted on my wall with a black circle, 5 mile radius, around the city. I will NOT GO THERE. For any reason. I know people inside that radius. I will not go visit them. The circle is marked “Zone of Doom”. It is not worth my life. Now, that being said, what the Trump supporters started out doing is an excellent idea. Try to rally like-minded friends and compatriots to decorate cars and drive around on a random path (so BLM can’t find you) staying peaceful, not honking and calling attention to yourselves and just SHOW the people who you are. Basically, patrol YOUR ZONE and mark your territory. If Antifa comes to you, that is a different matter. The people of Snohomish acted very quickly when they understood the BLM folks were driving down their neighborhood roads looking for the Police Chief of Seattle. I doubt that it will take even that long next time. BE PREPARED!! Maybe ninety days of lockdown. Secure your home perimeter. Have your preps. Guns. Ammo. Yes, that is defensive, and it won’t win the war. But for the love of God, don’t go into the Zone of Doom!!!

  13. Portland was a leftist shithole when we moved near there in 1979. And they had the nerve to call us californicators. Jim hated that he had to drive over the river to work in Portland, but that’s where the machinist jobs were.

  14. Will not go quietly or quickly.
    There are a lot of people from what I see that are going to shove them back to the rat hole they came from. Hell is coming.
    They don’t want peace, we do, they want blood. Let it be theirs.


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