Slated for release right around Easter, “Paul, Apostle of Christ” is the story of the final days of Jesus’ disciple before his execution by Nero in Rome. The trailer was released yesterday- Watch.
Variety notice of the production, Here.
16 Comments on Paul, Apostle of Christ Trailer
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What a compelling trailer. I sure hope it’s accurate. I plan to see it as one of my 1 – 2 movies I go to per year. Better be good!
BTW, I love Jim Caviezel.
looks good. Can’t wait.
If this film is done even close to Scriptural accounts, I’ll go see it… I haven’t been in a theater in YEARS because it’s all schlock. If a group of people release an accurate Christian film in this current age of darkness, I will support it.
Affirm Films, this film’s production company, has done a lot of spirit-based uplifting movies and TV spots. They even did the Ben Carson movie in 2009.
Writer/Director Andrew Hyatt has a deep Jesuit education, so I would expect a liberal and Catholic bent on the project. I graduated from a Jesuit university; they do try to drain the capitalist/conservative from you.
Awesome! Looks like it’s time for a church group roadtrip to the local theater!
Gotta be better than the latest blow ’em up/shoot ’em up/gay ’em up drivel that usually flows out of Hollyweird. Maybe we’ll do a church group roadtrip to go see it!
Andrew Klavan interviewed the writer and director yesterday on his pod cast. He seemed really taken with the director and the movie. The interview starts at the 25:18 mark
The film looks fantastic. I trust Jim Caviezel to have some influence over the director, so this film is as biblical based as possible.
BTW, a sequel to, “The Passion of Christ” is in the works. Sounds like it will be spectacular.
Paul magnified his office and said to follow him as he followed Christ.
Didn’t see Caviezel’s first movie either.
I want to see a film about Job!
God is back in the USA will get the evil people out.
Paul was never an apostle
Nor a disciple
He was a post-resurrection convert
Who previously persecuted Christians
pursuant to Roman custom
He then murdered St James the apostle
who preached at his church in Jerusalem
And transferred all authority to Rome
Where he installed the Briton St. Linus as bishop.
Had ” Saul ” lived long enough he’d have probably
murdered the patriarchs of Constantinople as well.
JayPee: What are you taking about? Look up the first verse of Colossians in almost every translation of the Bible.
There’s a couple of Sauls on this thread that might need a Damascus road experience.
“… from Greek apostolos ‘messenger,’ from apostellein ‘send forth.’”
“… each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.”
Seems you’re both correct. Can’t we all just get along?
izlamo delenda est …
At least one or two people in Hollywood are getting the message.
“Dunkirk”, “Darkest Hour” and now this movie.
Hopefully, it is close to scripture.