Paul McCartney slams Trump in new song: ‘We’ve got a mad captain sailing this boat’ – IOTW Report

Paul McCartney slams Trump in new song: ‘We’ve got a mad captain sailing this boat’

The Hill-

McCartney told the BBC that he made the track to “basically say, ‘occasionally, we’ve got a mad captain sailing this boat we’re all on and he is just going to take us to the iceberg [despite] being warned it’s not a cool idea.’”

When pressed during the interview about who it was he had in mind when he thought of the words “mad captain,” McCartney answered, “Well I mean, obviously it’s Trump.”


51 Comments on Paul McCartney slams Trump in new song: ‘We’ve got a mad captain sailing this boat’

  1. Here I am, just biding my time, waiting for the word to annihilate the asswipes that are hell bent on turning America into a liberal shithole.
    I am definitely patient but I am not patient indefinitely.

  2. When you get down here, I hope you don’t spend all your time masturbating with John Lennon. There’s fire to be stoked.

    @ Steve Brown

    Angela Lansbury called. She wants her face back.

  3. What? You make comments and songs about President Trump, but nothing about Sadiq Kahn and Teresa May? Madness, indeed!
    Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged.

  4. @snorky1, John wanted to end the Beatles first. Paul had a fit and talked John into staying. Then not too much later, Paul announced he was leaving. I don’t know the timing, but that was pretty much how it was told by people who were there.

    The person telling the story said John was pissed, but let it go because he wanted out.

  5. This from a pusillanimous limey cock-sucking puke who drags down some $90 Million/year and has amassed some $1.2 Billion from investments and hanging onto John Lennon’s shirttails?

    Funny thing is: You’re obsessed over Trump and America while we don’t give a flying fuck about you, May, and England – we know you’re finished!

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “WE”?
    Um, no Mr. British subject.
    You have a monarchy that is supported by taxpayers and a parliament that doesn’t want to do what voters want. You have a mayor in London who invites terrorists to take over the city.

  7. I never did like that prick. I don’t listen to his music, never purchased his music and never will. Not interested what that prick has to say. Another prick that should DIAF.

  8. rickn8or September 16, 2018 at 12:59 am

    Piss off, you pommy wanker.

    Let’s really piss off Paul….

    You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. As we say in Texas, I’ll bet you couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

    You are a canker. A sore that won’t go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. You’re a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon.

  9. Macca’s a big phony, he will say whatever he thinks is popular.
    I think I remember reading somewhere long ago that when he got mad at his parents he’d go in his room and make a tiny rip in his curtains or something to get back–sicko! He has no balls whatsoever

  10. What’s this “we” shit. I remember when newly elected Obozo invited him up to the white house for some live music and “sir” Paul stated that at least with THIS president we now have someone who can read [a dis to Bush].

    Hey, Shithead! Go back to where you once belonged.

  11. When he got “knighted”, I thought, “what sort of rock & roll rebel allows himself to be knighted and join a group of old English buggers most of whom are perverted or demented”?

    I suppose he had to curtsy when the Queen awarded him his knighthood. Easy to do for people who live their lives on their knees.

  12. We are the only real free people in the world. In the Olympic games early last century our American athletes refused to bow to the King of England.

    Since we have since lost one of our testicles, our athletes would be more than willing to bow. London Olympics are coming up, so lets see what they do this time. My guess is they will obsequiously bow or curtsy.

    We have almost lost it, but not quite. We have another chance with Trump.

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