Paul Ryan Affirms His GOPe Loyalties – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Affirms His GOPe Loyalties

Red State

Ryan sat down with WITI Milwaukee’s Jason Calvi, and he said that he would not be attending the upcoming 2024 Republican National Convention if President Donald Trump was the nominee. “It depends on who the nominee is. I’ll be here [in Milwaukee at the convention] if it’s someone not named Trump.”

“You won’t show up if it’s Trump?” Calvi asked.

“I’m not interested in participating in that, no,” Ryan responded. He claimed that Trump cost the Republicans seats in the last few elections and that if he ran again, Republicans would lose. Continues

103 Comments on Paul Ryan Affirms His GOPe Loyalties

  1. August 5, 2016:
    “Donald Trump endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin Friday evening, ending a four-day standoff between the GOP’s most powerful men.

    Trump made the announcement during a campaign stop Friday in Green Bay.

    He says, “I support and endorse our Speaker of the House Paul Ryan,” adding that while they “may disagree on a couple of things,” they agree on a lot as well.

    Trump also threw his support behind Arizona Sen. John McCain and New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, with whom he has sparred.”

    Seems to me Trump is a damn fine judge of character.
    Wait, what?

  2. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Ryan too.
    Simply pointing out all the Trump baggage of his poor choices over the years.
    You can start with Omarosa and go down the line.
    My hope is he has learned his lessons, yet he still talks with Bob Woodward & the New York Times.

  3. ^^^^ It seems to me yo have no clue about what took place. That was Trump exposing one asshole after another. You can bet Paul Ryan kissed every inch of Trumps ass to get that endorsement.
    It’s the same as the NAACP giving him an award, but now he’s a racists.

  4. eddie munster hopes to one day grow up to be just like his idol mittens so he too can learn the mystery of the magic underwear

    with PDT as the GOP nominee paul was never going to get an invite anyway, he’s putting this out now so hopefully no one will be the wiser & he can hopefully still be relevant some way some how in politics

  5. As a public service to iotw, please be aware that any post regarding Paul Ryan, Fox News, or Ron DeSantis will result in Brad getting his panties in a wad.

    Poor boy gets triggered beyond comprehension.
    A whole lot of pissing & moaning will ensue.
    Prepare accordingly.

  6. HOOOOLD on, great fellows!!!…….Who’s Paul Ryan????. I mean, you know….? He DOES have a very striking face, however…
    Wonder how many times he has been struck there…Seems like a lot!

    Ewwww! Stay Away! Stay Away! He might steal your social security check!

    Don’t forget, folks. 2016 is now a long time ago. And, Trump has the battle scars to show it. Yet, he still believes in America and us Americans!

    Gee! I don’t know.

    Maybe because he IS an American, like us.

  7. fear not fellow republicans, mittens niece ronna mcdaniel has the solution to fix absolutely NOTHING going into the 2024 election
    but she does know how to spend 80K on booze & livin large on the taxpayer’s dime

  8. Well … he’s a liar, a thief, and a Traitor – but he’s not a hypocrite.

    He hates President Trump, America, American Greatness, American Exceptionalism, the American Constitution, the American People, and the American Republic.

    Makes you wonder why he doesn’t wipe off his lips, pull up his pants, and emigrate to China.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Loco you are one piece of work.
    All you do is come on here and want to start a fight. Not have a debate of the real issue’s.
    I get it you hate Brad just let it go. You bring nothing to Furs site with this crap; and in fact it detracts many from sticking around and commenting.
    Shall we go back and look at the things you said in 2015 and 2016?
    We have the screen shots and the comments.
    You are no better then John S at the time. All he was was Troll to divided us and you are acting no better.
    You are doing a great job of that,so keep up the good work.
    P.S. Brad let him comment and just let him hang himself he will.

  10. Geoff, nice one-sided commentary.
    I suppose you aren’t privy to all the nasty things Brad has said about me.
    In all honesty, Brad starts 90% of the fights and I respond.
    I’m kind of like Trump in that manner.
    If you expect me to back down you have not been paying attention.
    Come to think of it, your post above confirms you have not paid attention.

    PS, I’ll stand by everything I have ever written on this site, go back as far as you like.
    That doesn’t mean I have never been wrong, just that I have the courage of my convictions and my opinions are my own.

  11. Geoff, I somewhat disagree. How boring would this place be if we all just blindly agreed with how smart we all are? As long as violence and gunfire isn’t involved I for one like it. Those fragile flowers that can’t take a disagreement probably don’t have much to add to begin with.

  12. To catch you up Geoff, this thread highlights the fact that Brad recently learned that Paul Ryan is on Fox’s board of directors and evidently can’t deal with it.
    Brad brings it up all the time lately so he likely just got the news from one of his conspiracy buddies.
    BTW, Ryan has been on the board since 2019. No breaking news here.

    Ryan is one of 10 people on the board and I guarantee he doesn’t control what Tucker covers, says, gets paid, or anything of that nature.
    I guarantee if he said “Tucker goes or I go” Ryan would be laughed out of the room.
    I guarantee Paul Ryan HATES some of the shit Tucker covers and has never appeared on his show, at least for many years.
    He wouldn’t have the balls.
    If anything, Paul Ryan is likely a figurehead put there to give balance to Rupert Murdoch.

  13. “To catch you up Geoff, this thread highlights the fact that Brad recently learned that Paul Ryan is on Fox’s board of directors and evidently can’t deal with it.
    Brad brings it up all the time lately so he likely just got the news from one of his conspiracy buddies.”

    Hey asshole, reread that. Is that the alcohol typing? OMG. I’m still laughing. You’re dumber than a box of rocks.

  14. “Prove me wrong Brad.
    Show me a post from more than two weeks ago where you mention Paul Ryan & Fox news.”

    OK? Why? Your drunk. That has no relevance on shit. Better get together with Rich and figure your shit out.

  15. Loco’s shit faced again. Me, I just got back from doing a smoking 1 hour leg work out. According to Loco I work out because I have a small dick. Maybe the most juvenile post I’ve ever read on IOTW. Especially since I cold leave stretch marks on his cheeks. Pick which ones. This is actually getting quite boring.

  16. I haven’t heard one “Republican” except Ron Paul say we should disband the FED.

    While you all argue over who the next Republican candidate should be, be advised the monetary ship WILL sink during the next term… the U.S. Dollar WILL be converted to digital vaporware with social credit strings attached… and your President WILL support ALL of this… or be DEAD.

    The FED. The U.S. Dollar. The United States 𝘊𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯…

    It’s all been a scam from day one.

    I support NO ONE now who won’t tell the truth.

    Our country is a fraud.

  17. Brad lives in a bubble where everyone loves Trump, and everyone not Trump is their mortal enemy.

    Reminds me of a King of Queens episode where Doug’s parents keep things from him by replacing the family dog when it dies several times.
    Priceless episode.

  18. Brad, the main reason this blog survives and thrives is because like-minded people have a place to commiserate and share ideas. That is why when you speak of alliances, it sounds so odd to me.

    Using Kamala’s Venn diagram example, the differences between my circle, your circle, in locos circle would be minuscule. Yet, that pencil thin line on the outside is enough for you to bring up alliances.

    That old line of Franklin’s about hanging together as opposed to hanging separately never seemed so relevant.

  19. Wait, how do you know Brad has a bathhouse AND massage parlor, Loco?
    *Suspicious eye brow motion*

    If you go, get a Boyzillian, first.

    I can’t believe boyzillians are a thing. I nearly drove off the fwy when I saw the sign on the building last Summer (Las Vegas) 😂

  20. OK, getting back to cooking, I’ve recently come across dryagingbags, to dry age meat in your refrigerator. I’m thinking I like it, I have more work to do with it but so far I’m impressed.

  21. Whoa cowboy!
    You don’t drop shit like this and run away.
    Yes I want proof AND CONTEXT.
    f I said anything that bad, 100% chances are I was responding to nasty comments about me.
    I don’t randomly call people here a whore.
    Not unless fired upon.
    I call Pelosi, Hillary, Kamala cunts, but whore isn’t typically in my lexicon.
    So yeah, prove it.
    I’ll wait.

  22. Geoff C. The Saltine

    I realize I’m no longer on your guys Xmas card list. We’re probably both good with that. But someone calls my wife a whore, and I read that post, I’d track them down. Big fucking mouth, no brains.

  23. On what context would you call his wife a whore?

    Yeah, none. But you are a piece of shit. You have been a piece of shit as long as I have been here.

  24. You guys are not forming alliances, are you?

    Geoff, that was a pretty bold accusation you made, if you are going to air that in a forum such as this you need to provide proof.

  25. First of all, I didn’t admit to calling anyone anything.
    However, I’m not going to sugarcoat my comments if a man or woman attack the hell out of me.
    Don’t they want equal treatment?
    Words are not violence BTW, that is a leftist canard.
    Whore is not a term I typically use, so yeah, citation necessary.
    PS, context is EVERYTHING.

  26. If he saved it, let’s see it Mr. “Trump has NO baggage”
    Why the suspense?
    Thought so.
    You have ZERO credibility Brad.
    See how that would have been nice to have in this instance?
    NOBODY can believe a word that comes out of your mouth.

  27. Not verifying or denying, but it is incumbent on Geoff to back up a pretty serious claim that he made. You said he saved it, he should provide it, a claim like this that has been made so publicly needs to be corroborated in a timely manner.

  28. I admitted to things getting heated.
    But oh no, it wasn’t me doing the hating.
    I was blasted with all kinds of disparaging remarks because I was for Ted Cruz and didn’t tow the Trump line here.
    I was insulted nearly every time I came here.
    I also had folks on my side.
    If you can’t take criticism I don’t know what to tell you?
    That said, time to lay the cards on the table or fold this charade.
    Put up or shut up.
    Or to quote Woody in Zombieland “time to nut up or shut up”

  29. I’ll give you a remedial lesson in context, Erik.
    I will type slow-ly so you can follow.

    If someone is walking into a school gym saying “I’m going to shoot the hell out of it tonight” it’s quite different if they are holding a basketball or an AK-47.
    C O N T E X T

    I hope this helps.

  30. Brad, I’ve always considered you a fair guy, but you have to admit that making an outrageous claim like that on a public forum and then running away without providing proof is the pinnacle of douchebaggery.

  31. Rich

    I’m not a fair guy. There you go. Sides have been drawn. Have fun with that idiot you decided to throw your allegiance to. I’m sorry I need to move on from this shit.

  32. “Nobody needs to take sides here.
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.”

    Are you fucking kidding me? You stupid bitch. Reread your last 10K comments. I can’t fucking believe you just typed that you weak sister.


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