Paul Ryan and His Puerto Rico Bailout – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan and His Puerto Rico Bailout


Speaker Paul Ryan and his establishment Republican “leadership” team have a problem; they want to bailout Puerto Rico’s corrupt and inefficient Democrat-led government, but rank and file House Republicans want no part of a federal taxpayer-funded bailout.

Ryan’s answer to this natural outgrowth of conservative Members of Congress actually representing their constituents and the will of the people is not to withdraw the bill or put it up for a vote and let it fail, as it properly should.

According to Rep. John Fleming (LA-4) what Speaker Ryan’s leadership team has demanded of House Republicans is that they betray their constituents, and indeed the very idea of a constitutional representative government, by remaining silent, refraining from asking for a recorded vote, or leaving the room when the time comes for a vote regarding the Puerto Rico debt restructuring bill.

That’s right. Speaker Ryan wants your Congressman to remain silent, refrain from asking for a recorded vote, or leave the room when it comes time to vote on a bill that could cost taxpayers as much as $72 billion.


ht/ just the tip

16 Comments on Paul Ryan and His Puerto Rico Bailout

  1. What’s the big deal? 72 billion is a drop in the bucket. Why don’t you guys that don’t want to be on record voting for this just go get a martini or something and by the time you get back it will be taken care of. Nothing to see here, just move along.

  2. Any member of Congress who approves this corruption should go to prison. We the tax payers are not responsible for Puerto Rico’s mess. If PR gets away with this, look for Chiraq, Detroilet, and every other democrats created mess to come to congress hat in hand. Do not let the camel’s nose under the tent.

  3. Instead of baling them out, we should set them free!
    120 years of occupation is enough!

    Take a lesson from Gorbachev – cut em loose – and be done with it. Why are we still agonizing over a Spanish colony?

    Fuck Ryan
    Fuck the GOP
    Fuck Puerto Rico
    Fuck the bailout!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ryan is a prime example of opposite talk. Whatever he says, translate to the opposite.

    He speaks with a forked tong, from two faces. And he thinks he is so smart and we are so stupid. I hope he loses his seat at his next election. Smug, sleazy, slimy bastard.

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