Paul Ryan Plummets to 43% in New Primary Poll – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Plummets to 43% in New Primary Poll

Breitbart: JANESVILLE, WI– A poll of likely Republican voters shows House Speaker Paul Ryan well below 50 percent in his race to maintain his seat in Wisconsin’s first Congressional district.

The poll was conducted by P.M.I., with 424 respondents randomly called from a file of 11,000 likely GOP primary voters. It shows that with one month remaining before Wisconsin’s August 9th vote, Ryan is polling at 43 percent.

Ryan’s challenger, Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen, is polling at 32 percent.

The Nehlen campaign notes that Ryan’s 43 percent “represents a drop of more than 30 points since the Nehlen campaign began polling likely Republican primary voters earlier in the year.”

“This poll shows voters are considering their options and choosing to opt out of Paul Ryan’s job-killing policies,” Nehlen said.  MORE

SNIP: Speaking of Paul Nehlen, here he is trolling Paul Ryan outside of his home…

paul nehlen

Paul Nehlen at Paul Ryan’s Mansion: ‘Tear Down Your Wall’ If You Won’t Build One for the Country.

10 Comments on Paul Ryan Plummets to 43% in New Primary Poll

  1. The results are in from when I polled myself:
    “100% of those polled responded that they would tie Paul Ryan’s ears together and punch him in the throat as an overdue message to him, his predecessor, and the other traitorous, self-serving RINOs in both houses of Congress.”

  2. I just found a book on my shelf featuring a photo with Ryan, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy on the cover. Young Guns.

    Cantor autographed it and thanked me for my work with the Tea Party.
    That was 2010. Tea Party booted him in 2014.

    One Young Gun down. Two to go.

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