Paul Ryan Wins Squeaker Over Nehlen by 70% – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan Wins Squeaker Over Nehlen by 70%

In what was never going to be a close race, House Speaker Paul Ryan (WI-R) easily won his primary last night for the First District of Wisconsin.


 How Ryan Won His Primary Here



13 Comments on Paul Ryan Wins Squeaker Over Nehlen by 70%

  1. Yeah Wisconsin is a pretty F’d up state. They also went for the poser in the Presidential primary. I guess they like having no federal budget, debt ceiling, nor national borders and having jobs ships overseas. They must really love being slaves to the oligarchy. Then again, it is a open primary state so maybe a lot of Democrats voted for Ryan since he supports pretty much everything for which they stand.

  2. Davy, joe6pack and pbunyan. I have to take issue with you guys, it’s not because we are all “assholes”, “cheeseheads” or “F’d up. It’s because the damned liberals in Madison and Milwaukee out number the rest of us.

  3. Ryan has made some poor compromises, but never forget that he is speaker because YOUR republican congressman wouldn’t take the job (he is there because no one else would take the job)so YOUR republican congressman agrees that Ryan is best for the job.

  4. Thus, one district in one state saddles America with a worthless, Menshevik corrupt RINO bastard who gives the homosexual feral izlamic drug-addled savage in the White Hut $1.1 Trillion with no strings attached?

    And THIS is why millions of Americans have died?

    It wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

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