Paul Weston – “Europe Will Not Always Be There” – IOTW Report

Paul Weston – “Europe Will Not Always Be There”

As tipster Ranto says-  CHILLING.

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30 Comments on Paul Weston – “Europe Will Not Always Be There”

  1. It’s already gone unless something Biblical happens very soon, and I don’t think the Euro’s have the stones to get their Countries back.
    Stone aged people whov’e achieved their Centuries long quest of conquering Europa, are not giving it back until they are all dead themselves .

  2. Diogenes, i agree. Most people dont think of Russia as a Christian nation. Russian Orthodox will never allow the musklims to take over. Never. They dont have a self destruct wish like europe and we may be around yet to see it haoppen.

  3. Better look around, they’ve made substantial inroads here as well.
    They have full support of the main media who also tout most of positions we know are creating so much harm to the public in general.
    Our primary goal should be to destroy the control the left has on major media and most importantly, the educational system. Every year that passes brings us closer to a tipping point.

  4. Orange is right. Trump opened the eyes of many people and gave them the courage to openly resist, mock, and dismiss the CNN Agents and enemy media. But that is not enough. Eventually they must be treated as the enemy combatants and national security threat they really are.

    I pose the question, nobody is hated more in this country than the media scum and corrupt politicians. They are despised. Yet, we see the “crazies” deciding to shoot up schools and blow up buildings with day care centers in them… why? Why aren’t they killing the most hated people in America at NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN? Why hasnt anyone shot someone like Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon? I wonder?

  5. Veteran journalist and writer Oriana Fallaci, who passed away over ten years ago, once stated that muzlims “multiply like rats”…. and they do so for strategic reasons for global conquest and domination. It is time to recognize that this is a very real threat to Western Civilization and stop cow-towing to Political Correctness which is the single, biggest enabler of this kind of terrorism.

  6. Diogenes, I agree with your statement regarding total control.

    I do see the kakistocracy in Russia and/or China being perfectly content to engage in a symbiosis with them regarding Western Europe, as long as the classical culture and population is enervated enough. As far as I can tell, it’s 45-50% there now.

  7. I’ve mentioned this before, but back in 1968 (Yeah, I’m old) British MP Enoch Powell gave the same warning to the British people. He warned about un vetted and uncontrolled immigration to the island. He was laughed at and called a racist, right-wing extremist etc.
    In 2014 Paul Weston was arrested for giving a speech in Winchester Guildhall,in Hampshire. (cont.)

  8. for quoting Winston Churchill on Islam. Some mussie complained and he was arrested. Later Hampshire Police “made and apology and a financial settlement with Weston after an internal investigation concluded it was a wrongful arrest.”
    But the damage was done. Brave Brits will be arrested for speaking out.
    Our politicians should heed Weston’s warning. But I doubt it. There will be more bloodshed before the swamp is cleared.

  9. @organgrinder February 18, 2018 at 5:55 am

    > Our primary goal should be to destroy the control the left has on major media and most importantly, the educational system.

    And this is exactly why The Caliphate is Americans’ only hope. (All other hopes weren’t abandoned. They never even show up at the gates.)

  10. @organgrinder February 18, 2018 at 6:01 am

    > I should add that we share a common plague with Europe in that we’re both infested with cowardly politicians who are greasing the skids for our downfall.

    Should I repeat myself?

  11. @Diogenese; Why not? The Rissians were perfectly capable of doing a deal with the Nazi’s splitting Poland, grabbing the Baltic States and opening up even more trade with the Germans. A lot has been written that Stalin was just stalling for time after he purged the officer corps in his own armed forces but that didtn’t stop him from selling more and more raw material to them and keeping up their secret military agreements. Maybe Putin wants to “ride in” and save Europe after the Islamic takeover and effectively doing a Warsaw Stop maneuver and wait outside the gates of Warsaw while the German Army destroyed the Polish Undeground army his only real opposition in that country after the war had ended.

  12. @grool February 18, 2018 at 7:00 am

    > The Left is the whispering, corrupting traitor within our gates that’s weakening us.

    I guess I must. (sigh) This “thinking” is exactly why The Caliphate is Americans’ only hope.

  13. Weston’s remarks were right on target. Things will get worse in Europe before it gets better. He is correct that there will be a series of civil wars; once one starts, then it will cascade across Europe into a regional conflagration.

    The local populace will have to decide whether it wants to capitulate to Islam or not go quietly into that long night of submission. If Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic Europe does win against the barbaric hordes, only then as after every war, increased breeding kicks into replace the fallen.

    But Islam must be defeated back for another 1000 years, AGAIN. Otherwise, another Dark Age will be upon us and we have to hide our treasured artifacts.

    Anonymous – go kiss Allah’s tookis. Hiding your name, just like your women and men hide behind their schmatttas.

  14. @Abigail Adams – “How many times do we have to save Europe from totalitarianism? They still owe us from the last war. And who will be their next Churchill?”

    Your knowledge of both world wars is mired in ignorance, not least since the forces behind them were also behind isolationist Wilson [who lied] and isolationist Roosevelt [who lied] as well as Churchill. Churchill began opposing Hitler in 1935 after the Jewish lobby offered to solve his financial problems. It was Churchill who initiated civilian bombing hoping to provoke a German reaction [the Blitz] and America’s entry into the conflict. Remember that all parties worked for international money. Remember too that Roosevelt, an internationalist, supplied Stalin with secrets as well as hardware throughout the entirety of the war. Both engagements were planned, their objective, realised successfully, being the creation of Israel and trans-national trading blocs like the EU as a pathway to the final step of world government. I do not know what Europe ‘owes you’ but I understand England paid off the last of its Second World War debt on 31st December 2006.

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