Payback for war Ocasio Cortez waged on fellow Dems could mean end of her House seat – IOTW Report

Payback for war Ocasio Cortez waged on fellow Dems could mean end of her House seat

BizPacReview: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement of a group of all-female progressive candidates could mean an end to her own congressional stint in office.

The freshman New York lawmaker and self-described democratic socialist “may not last in Congress,” according to a New York Post editorial which warned that Ocasio-Cortez’s new political action committee supporting candidates challenging Democratic incumbents could spell her own demise.

“Already in hot water for refusing to pay dues to her caucus’ fundraising arm, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, she’s now devoting her resources instead to defeating Democrats,” the editorial, published Sunday, stated. “Don’t be surprised when the established Democrats who’ll control redistricting after the 2020 Census do their best to eliminate her seat.”

Ocasio-Cortez, who has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders in his 2020 campaign bid for the White House, is targeting the Democratic establishment in national races by touting liberal activists using her influence, campaign funds and new Courage to Change PAC. The left-wing darling announced on Friday her endorsement of seven congressional candidates, all women, who will be vying for House and Senate seats with some challenging longtime Democratic incumbents. read more

16 Comments on Payback for war Ocasio Cortez waged on fellow Dems could mean end of her House seat

  1. AOC needs to go, it doesn’t make any difference who takes her down, or why or how they do it, a long as she’s gone AFIC.

    Several others need to go as well (Omar, Tlaib, Schiff, etc.) but I don’t see them going any time soon unless the Republicans can somehow make major inroads in their districts. AOC is far more vulnerable than they are since she’s on the wrong side of the Democrat hierarchy.

  2. AOC will either lose her primary or will lose in the general. I can’t imagine her district will forgive her for chasing away those Amazon jobs.

    It’s a good thing she has her bar-tending skills she can fall back on.

  3. There has got to be blowback to a politician who knowingly rejects thousands of jobs in a district he/she is supposed to represent.

    She would be collecting unemployment except for the strong possibility that some liberal will hire her to be a talking head on TV.

  4. @ Pelopidas FEBRUARY 25, 2020 AT 4:23 PM

    “I can’t imagine…”

    I hate to break it to ya’ but the capacity for idiocy among a prog electorate is limitless. Take a look at how Seattle and Portland voters reward people who are responsible for turning vibrant inviting cities into third world shitholes.

  5. Get her the hell out before she vests in any pension benefits (5 years). It’s bad enough that taxpayers could have to subsidize her gold plan medical insurance for the rest of her scrawny life.

  6. Heard a comment a few days ago positing that AOC could actually create more mischief outside congress than she can inside. She is nothing but a mouthpiece inside and she energizes opponents. Outside, she would be freer to spout, so I am not sure. I believe we need to look at the big picture and determine if she would be better constrained or set free. I just don’t know.


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