Peace Corps Volunteer – Trump is Right About Certain Countries – IOTW Report

Peace Corps Volunteer – Trump is Right About Certain Countries

Let me start this with a small anecdote.

About 2005 I had friends visit me in NY. They asked to go to the site of the World Trade Center. I obliged. Passing Trinity Church, damaged on 9/11, I saw a guy standing in front of the gates in the unmistakable pose of urination.

I couldn’t believe it. I looked towards the ground to make sure. In the darkness of the night I saw the glint of piss. I immediately took two quick steps and grabbed/pushed his shoulder forward, jamming his jaw into one of the iron posts.

I was screaming, “WTF are you doing you animal!!??!!!”

The guy turned gesturing as to say, “wtf are you doing???”

“How can you piss on a church, particularly this church, you lowlife scum??!!!”

He had no idea what I was so out of my mind.

What happened next really pissed me off. My companions started yelling at me, implying that I should just leave people like this alone. (They were from California.) They said I was going to get them killed.

I said, “I don’t know about you but I don’t want to live in a world where people piss and $hit in public. If the guy shoots me I am on my way to a much better place.  I’m not going to lose this world with a whimper and a cower. If I die fighting confronting these animals, fine.”

The night remained awkward.

American Thinker-

Three weeks after college, I flew to Senegal, West Africa, to run a community center in a rural town.  Life was placid, with no danger, except to your health.  That danger was considerable, because it was, in the words of the Peace Corps doctor, “a fecalized environment.”

In plain English: s— is everywhere.  People defecate on the open ground, and the feces is blown with the dust – onto you, your clothes, your food, the water.  He warned us the first day of training: do not even touch water.  Human feces carries parasites that bore through your skin and cause organ failure.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that a few decades later, liberals would be pushing the lie that Western civilization is no better than a third-world country.  Or would teach two generations of our kids that loving your own culture and wanting to preserve it are racism.

Last time I was in Paris, I saw a beautiful African woman in a grand boubou have her child defecate on the sidewalk next to Notre Dame Cathedral.  The French police officer, ten steps from her, turned his head not to see.

I have seen.  I am not turning my head and pretending unpleasant things are not true.


Karin saw, but she should have conquered.

14 Comments on Peace Corps Volunteer – Trump is Right About Certain Countries

  1. I saw this a few days ago and couldn’t agree more with the author. There is a cultural difference between Western Civilization and most of the rest of the world that simply cannot be overcome within a couple (or more) generations. We shouldn’t be allowing these people into the USA at all, much less trying to make them “citizens” of a country and culture that they have no understanding of or desire to assimilate to.

    There are many cultures where stealing is perfectly fine (the concept of private property rights are simply not part of their worldview). They have no concept of germs and disease transmission (defecating / urinating in public is the norm in their “cultures”). They have absolutely zero respect or compassion for elders or disabled people (these are just easier “marks” for them to steal from). And that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    That’s why America should righteously deport about 75 million people and dismantle the “open door” that our borders have become. The current “immigration” policies are the equivalent of normal people inviting known crack / meth head whores and child molesters into their homes to keep an eye on things and watch their children while they work for a living.

    Being an American (or living in America) is a privilege ….. not a “right”!

  2. We used to have neighbors from Africa. They had two bedrooms and there were about fifteen of them living there. They were up all night, which I don’t care about, but playing loud music and running/slamming around a duplex just doesn’t work. During the day they played music so loud my walls would shake and I had to threaten them with police, which they scoffed at. Sometimes when I knocked own their door the music would go down and they would pretend nobody was home. Seriously, is that the trick they used in Africa?

    They created so much trash it would take at least three bins to hold it all, but they only had one and used to keep the extra on their back deck, taking the oldest ones out every week. They didn’t give a crap if bears came round to check out what goodies they had back there.

    The mother, God help me for being mean, was someone we learned to avoid. She used to approach us in our driveway and demand rides to places, but stunk so badly I couldn’t be near her without gagging. She used to tell my 12 year old son, “Boy! Go get my mail.” He didn’t know what to do so he just went and got it, but never said anything until a few months later and I instantly told him never again get her mail or even talk to her. She was able bodied and could get it herself.

    There was trash all over the driveway all the time, little wrappers and small things, but it got bigger toward the end with beer cans. I was so happy when I saw the moving van.

  3. You done good, Fur!

    I once stood in the middle of my street, waving down a car transporting (on the hood) the burglar who’d just ransacked my home. Some things, even small things *are* worth dying for. They are symbolic.

    The power of this essay is the hard reality (which Europe is dealing with) that you don’t pluck someone out of this culture and expect Western values. (Hell, you can’t expect Western values from half of the folk here already, never taught, never learned, never cared.)

    When I watch the new “pussy marchers” I think of the Chinese cultural revolution and the rapidity with which otherwise sane people are corrupted by lure of the mental megaphone into insanity. ….Lady in Red

  4. No one can tell me the leftists behind mass global immigration/population replacement do not know about the utter cultural disconnect at work even with Mexicans, our global next door neighbors, relatively speaking, much less literally alien N. Africans. The strife it is bound to create isn’t an unfortunate side effect, it is the point of it all.

  5. Shouldn’t Third World refugees from shithole countries have to go to Second World Hellhole for a while before being shipped off to my town?
    I grow tired of making a spectacle of myself disinfecting the shopping cart to protect myself from third world diseases.
    One guy asked me why I did that.
    I told him about sanctuary cities south of here (Phoenix and Tucson) and antibiotic resistant tuberculosis

  6. @Bubba’s Brother January 21, 2018 at 3:36 am

    > That’s why America should righteously deport about 75 million people and dismantle the “open door” that our borders have become.

    Because arguing with your drunk buddy that he’s drunk, so he should let you ride with him to his place, with your finger on the “emergency” button on your cell phone, while he drives… that way, if he does crash, somebody will know… maybe you won’t both die… now! there’s a plan.

    I’m driving my car away from here, sober… you want a lift?… well, good luck, then… is just… madness!

  7. In Mexico, I am told, toilet paper isn’t flushed down the crapper, it is put in a trash can, or bag (if one is available). Ask someone who has rented a house to recent arrivals from south of the border how this works out. Also, this is why in border towns, public restrooms tend to have piles of used TP in the corners. But, at least the mexicans use TP; can’t say the same for african immigrants.

  8. I read a book a few years ago about peace corps couple living on one of the pacific islands, Fiji i think. Our image of the pacific islands are of beautiful clean clear water bays, & pristine beaches. But they described the beaches and coral covered in discarded diapers. The natives believed to burn them would cause the butts of their babies to be burned, anf the people just crapped in the bay using it as an open sewer. Blessed with a beautiful place to live they turned into a s_hole. Who would imagine you had to be careful where you went swimming on an island.

  9. Been there and done that in the Ivory Coast. A year of teaching math and then dysentery from a Peace Corps dug well. Air evacuated back to the US for treatment. nasty.

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