#PedoHitler – IOTW Report



“#PedoHitler” began trending on Twitter following President Joe Biden’s divisive political speech Thursday at the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the president declared that “MAGA Republicans” are a “threat” to “American democracy” with ominous red lighting and members of the U.S. military behind him.

19 Comments on #PedoHitler

  1. Pedo Joe has got to go!

    Is not the legitimate President of the United States and never has been. Each day our country dies a little more as Uncle Sam is in a coma with vivid after being “swatted” by these kleptocrats.

  2. But “We The People” did win and were cheated.
    They spend a lot of time trying to convince us that they are the solution, when they are the problem.
    If they cheat their way through November, guns will be banned and religion will be banned.
    For socialism to work, the self appointed royalty have to appear to be “Lord of All”.

  3. I don’t have a clue who the fuk that POS actor is, but it’s not pedojoe!
    That’s just an illusion from the deep state, including those pseudo Marines in the background!
    I think from now on, ALL federal level elected officials must have a DNA screening at least once a year to prove they are who they claim to be.

  4. ” Everyone knows this”

    OH OK. They’re running out of dumb shit things to say so now they’re going to ridiculous. It’s amazing one of these zombies is stupid enough to post that after what we witnessed Thursday night.

  5. Hey Annoyamus and Fucktard Son of Fuckface, why no weird tortured metaphors, corrallaries, logic traps, postulates, penumbras, allegories, or false comparisons?

    Come on trolls, bring it, you pussy wankers. So quiet after the Nuremberg Rally of Adolph Pedo McDaughterfucker

    Cat got your tounges Pedo lovers?

    PDJT had 250,000 yesterday in the same town as Adoplh Pedo McDementia who had 50 people in a gym.

    But 81 million votes and 6 points up in WSJ polling…

    We are ready this time fuckers, just try to cheat. Jan 6 will look like a picnic.

  6. Joe Biden’s recent grunting and drooling attacked all Americans, and especially since not all maga are repubs and include all Americans who want to kick the child molesting Joe Biden to the curb and install a good and patriotic guy to make America great and fabulous again. Joe Biden attacked white, black, asian, latino and numerous other Americans with his simpleton name-calling and bogus lying which he’s known for.

  7. @Third Twin

    Brilliant though not enough people will get the reference* They’ll may catch these two

    Adolf Diddler
    Joseph Stolen (a Chalupean classic)

    *(Schiklegruber was the adopted last name of Hitler’s paternal grandmother and would have been Adolph’s last name had an old man with the last name of Huetler not corrected the record just a few years before he died. This all happened years before Adolf was spawned)

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