Pedophiles Should Avoid Florida in the Future – IOTW Report

Pedophiles Should Avoid Florida in the Future

Red State

Florida lawmakers are poised to pass a measure that would permit the death penalty for pedophiles who sexually assault children under 12 years old, a move that will likely trigger legal challenges and questions about its constitutionality.

20 Comments on Pedophiles Should Avoid Florida in the Future

  1. Works for me. A pedophile effectively destroys an innocent life by their actions, so I have no problem with them paying for that with theirs. Also removes the possibility of them offending again — ever.

  2. Not buying it.
    If anything it’s a pre-emptive shot at DeSantis to make him look extreme.
    The left teams up with Trump Inc. for this type of shit.
    Assholes hand in hand.
    Look, if it’s incredibly difficult to put murderers to death then you really believe sexual assault will be easier?
    Fucking evil killers live on death row for decades.
    Charles Manson died of old fucking age.

    Come on people, quit falling for these canards.
    You have to be smarter than them…

  3. Sure commonsense, all people who work for Disney are pedos.
    This is why we deserve to lose.
    Idiots who paint everyone with the same brush.
    Look at the numbers who voted for Trump & DeSantis in the I-4 corridor.
    Nope, facts do not matter when you have a fucking agenda.

  4. Dr. Hambone if you avoid Florida you miss out on beaches, bikinis, supreme sport fishing, snorkeling, paddleboarding, jet skiing, water skiing, golf, premier amusement parks, space launches, Publix supermarkets, the Everglades, alligators, treasure hunting, the Keys, no state income tax, the Fountain of Youth, Ponce De Leon, The Little White House, watching the sunset on the West coast & then travelling to the East coast to watch the sunrise – therefore chasing daylight, pirate history, Miami vice, Flagler’s railroad, Weeki Wachee Springs, EPCOT Food & Wine Festival, Universal Halloween Horror Nights, the Disney Marathon, The Keys 100 Mile Race, Mar-a-Lago, Ringling Museum, Longboat Key, three NFL teams, MLB Spring training, dolphins, manatees, conch fritters, grouper, yellow tail snapper, the best fucking red state in the Union, the best governor in the USA & future President, plus the most unique of all… the iconic Florida Man!

    God loves the South!

  5. This was actually the law in Florida not all that many decades ago, before the rise of anti-death penalty activism and then a halt by the Supreme Court of “cruel and unusual” (apparently meaning unequally or “capriciously” imposed) death sentences in 1972 Furman v. Georgia.

  6. There is no other way to stop them.

    Once they’ve thrown over the traces enough to rape a child, even God gives up on them and turns them over to a reprobate mind. At that point, not even their own children and grandchildren are safe.

    See Joe Biden for further details.

  7. Jason
    AT 7:17 AM
    ‘Pedophilia is sick and evil; but the death penalty is vengeance, not justice.’

    In this case, its not a deterrent. You can argue if its “justice” or not all day, but there is one thing it is in the case of every individual child rapist.

    It’s the only way to stop them.

    Nothing else works. Even if you castrate them, chemically or actually, they will use an object and rape anyway. As with adult rapes its not about sex as much as it is about utter domination of a helpless human being.

    Which is why it appeals to Democrats so much.

    No other penaly works. No other penalty can bring victims peace. No other penalty assures the rapist will not rape again.

    For this crime, the death penalty is the -only- answer.

  8. SNS, not disagreeing with you.
    However, this will be spun against the right as extreme.
    Why do this shit NOW?
    How can it be done NOW?

    Lindsay Fucking Graham said just before the midterms,
    Boom- Red Wave flushed down the toilet.
    G-O-N-E GONE!
    Not to mention that the Supreme Court had just returned the power to the individual states you moron.
    You could not have done worse for our cause if you fucking tried.
    Asshole in govt for years and didn’t even understand Roe v Wade.

    That motherfucker gave the left the biggest free contribution ever.
    “Here, have a hammer to bludgeon me with.”
    I hope they sent the silly queer dumbass a gift basket.

  9. Pedophiles certainly deserve death. One reason the death penalty for child rape was taken away was supposedly to reduce the incentive for the perpetrator to kill the victim once the crime was committed.

    A moderate sentence with a phone call to the receiving warden, so the right people in the institution’s custody can be notified and an unaccountable slippage of watch during or after arrival sounds better. As with all informal understandings this approach should be variable and allowed to appear to be random. If it’s good enough for Whitey Bulger it ought be good enough for a child rapist.

    LBS has the point on the politics, and one has to wonder, why does the left insist so on the killing and injury of the innocent being normalized? I have seen examples of what appeared to be the reprobate mind and the only way to stop them is, in fact, to cause them to cease to exist. A very aggressive lobotomy or leukotomy could perform that function as well.

  10. DeSantis is being groomed for a 2024 run, he’s already sold out. Being endorsed by Bill Barr, Paul Ryan & Jeb Bush, are BIG RED FLAGS or big blue flags, as it were. The swamp wants everything to return to “Business as usual”, as it was before Trump.
    The very fact that the swamp hasn’t tried to discredit him is suspicious.

  11. Don Draper
    AT 9:50 AM
    “Pedophiles should avoid my house as well. The death penalty awaits.”

    …most don’t come to your house. They teach in your child’s school, preach in your child’s church, clerk in the store your child trys on clothes in, monitor the area where your child plays, clean the bathrooms at your child’s day care, or be waiting when your child makes his next doctor visit.

    They don’t wear fangs or seem intimidating or creepy at first, they would not be successful as they measure it if they were. And those kinds don’t need your house, they have places of their own, but as they gain your child’s trust during the grooming process they will learn when your not there.

    They are much more insidious than you give them credit for.

    Or in some cases they may already have been in your house. Sometimes you may not know that neighbor or that family friend as well as you think. The most successful predators are known and trusted, even loved sometimes, and aunts and uncles, even mothers and fathers, have been known to be abusers, and even cousins
    and siblings sometimes abuse their younger kin.

    You can trust yourself. Maybe your wife.

    After that, can you REALLY be sure?

    The statistics would suggest you can not.

    And my experiences transpoting the abused to the children’s hospital where they ditressingly had rape kits rather bore those statistics out.

    Its a sick world out there, and getting sicker.

    Trust no one but the Lord.

  12. Cmn¢¢guy – the amalgam called the “SWAMP” is a diverse collection of global elites whose common trait is fancying themselves as gifted social engineers (amateurs based on totally false assumptions). The Republican component is particularly naive and full of it’s own stupid hubris. It doesn’t understand history or even human nature enough to know we “can’t go back.” Even Trump, if re-elected, can’t “go back.” The ship of state and our economic system is headed for nothing but reefs upon which we will surely ground ourselves and come to terms with what we’ve done to our posterity.

  13. General Malaise
    Democrat, RINO, swamp, global elites, self appointed royalty, will never allow Trump to be reelected. They don’t care how many people they have to kill to stop it from happening.
    De-fund the police, military discharges for those who refused the JAB, were used to expel those who still believe in liberty and the constitution.
    The human race is nothing more than a commodity they can buy, sale, trade at their leisure. It’s special kind of evil.
    The only reason many stay in congress, is to inflict pain on others.
    Insert Kamala laughing.

  14. “The human race is nothing more than a commodity they can buy, sale, trade at their leisure.” -Cmn¢¢guy

    …Which is about the most truthful, saddest and cynical commentary anyone could make about our political and corporate worlds. The leaders in all our “institutions” see people as NOTHING BUT commodities now. Our civilization has gone terribly wrong.

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