Pee-Wee Herman Lost His Long Battle with Cancer Sunday – IOTW Report

Pee-Wee Herman Lost His Long Battle with Cancer Sunday


 Paul Reubens, the actor best known as his alter ego Pee-wee Herman, died Sunday. The official Pee-wee Herman accounts announced the news on Instagram.

The post included a note from Reubens apologizing to fans for keeping his battle with cancer a secret. Reubens said he had been battling cancer for six years. He was 70. More

42 Comments on Pee-Wee Herman Lost His Long Battle with Cancer Sunday

  1. So pee wee got in trouble for masturbating watching a dirty movie in a theater with other men who were masturbating to the same movie. Seems pretty tame by today’s standards.

  2. But Anonymous, it’s possible to pick among many as “America’s biggestly loser,” as you put it. Harold Stassen never won the Presidency, as didn’t Adlai Stevenson. George Wallace kept trying and lost several times. There have been many over the years, actually too many to chronicle for this comment.

    But the biggest, sorest, most irrational loser who lost the election, thereafter going off the psychological deep end while blaming everyone under the sun for her own campaign failures, has to go to Hillary Clinton in 2016. She’s never recovered. So, personally, I’d pick her as “America’s biggest loser.”

    You might be asking, why not Joe Biden? Because the election was stolen for him and he is clearly “America’s biggestly criminal!” And why hot President Donald Trump? Because he already won the Presidency. Also note the sentence just above for an explanation of that little fact. And have a lovely day!

  3. My brother just texted me about his death. My response: “Noooooooooo!”

    I loved Pee Wee Herman. I watched videos of his ‘kids’ show and laughed at a time when I needed to laugh. Watched his movies and enjoyed them thoroughly.

    Paul Rubens could tap into that childlike persona that is sorely missing in today’s society. Sure Rubens had some faults. Show me ONE person (besides Jesus) without faults and I’ll say, “Bullshit, you just don’t know who they really are.”

    Bye Pee Wee. I’m going to miss you.

  4. Remember when Sam Kinison called for his execution after getting caught waxing the pee wee dolphin in the theatre? “Nurse Nancy…” It’s featured on Sam’s last but Grammy award winning album, “Live From Hell.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. Went to Pee Wee’s Big Adventure with My Friend Paula….We Smoked a couple of

    Bowls in the parking Lot prior…We were the only ones laughing during the Movie..

    Somebody redid the T-Rex chase in Jurassic Park …T-Rex was chasing Pee Wee on

    the Bike….Hilarious.

  6. Is that why this site is always talkin bout trannys? You just might have latent gay/trans tendencies, oh my! But butt I just can’t elp how much Donny means to me, for he is MY WORLD,cryin Brad Boy. Agent Orange is my everyting, as he lapps up every last drop of orange pee/jizz.

  7. Both Phil Hartman and Lawrence Fishburne had been part of Reubens characters.

    I always found the Pee-wee character enjoyable and his kid’s show was bonkers, off the wall and wholesome. Not words used very often when describing programming for kids.

  8. My favorite Pee Wee’s Playhouse moment was when Captain Carl comes out of the bathroom and Pee Wee asks him, “Did you wash your hands, Captain Carl?”

    Captain Carl grabs Pee Wee’s entire face with both hands, gripping his mouth, nose, eyes, and forehead, and growls, “NO!”

  9. But butt we can choose & pick who are pedos, righty ? Nope it just proves exactly how messed up you are & most likely just a bunch of pedos yourself. My god your main pedo bragged how much he loved bonkin Ivanka to his aids you are one bunch of sick puppies.

  10. My wife and I would watch Pee Wee’s Playhouse on Saturday mornings; I was stationed in Norfolk and we were still somewhat newlyweds. We enjoyed the over-the-top characters.

  11. “My god your main pedo bragged how much he loved bonkin Ivanka to his aids”

    That’s the left for you. He/she/it may not actually believe it, but someone said it, so they just keep repeating it. Mean while we know for a FACT Biden was having sex with his teen aged daughter.

  12. I remember watching that movie with my future wife, her sister and her boyfriend when in first came out in theatres. Us two guys were rolling in the aisle laughing our asses off the entire movie and the gals sat there shaking their heads.

  13. Fact jack! Donald J Trump bragged to his aids while he was in office about how much he loved bonging Ivanka. That talk by Donald J Trump made to the aids mafe them sick to their stomach.
    Pedo forever & Jeffrey Epstein bestest bud.

  14. The truth hurts, awww. But our pedo is is (studders more) better than your pedo. So there! Grow up fuckhead, Jeffrey Epstein’s best bud was his best bud for one reason & one reason only, us pedos gotta stick together. You are such a ignorant fool.

  15. Note: I took 3 years of psychology. I can see much more, oh so much more of latent tendencies here. I am not talkin about homophobes, girlfriend. I hear/read comments that I know for a fact comes from abuse. Sexuall abuse. Gay encounters, sibling sexuall abuse, parental sexuall abuse, it’s here, I see it in the comments. People, guys turn that abuse into a phobia.
    This in turns makes people long for a parental figure in their life. Someone that they never had. Hence, Donny, poor poor choice. But that is the problem. Those people are destined to choose poor choices in their lives because of their childhood experiences. Will/can they change this, never.

  16. Hey asshole, the only person here talking about Gay Sexual experiences is you you fucking wack job.
    You took three years of psych? I could of guessed that. Typical Lib, armed with half the info they need but still a self proclaimed expert.

  17. “… to choose poor choices …”

    Learned that in Psychology, did ya?
    Should have taken some English, as well.

    “… sibling sexuall abuse, parental sexuall abuse …”
    And maybe some Jr. High spelling?

    “… in their life …”

    What a fucking poseur.

    Read something once, did ya?

    “See Spot run. Run Spot, run.” What’d ya get out of that?

    You wasted your fucking time, Slaphead.

  18. I’ve got a bachelor in Psychology and it never did me a lick of good. I certainly wouldn’t go around claiming any kind of special insight into the mind of anyone based on that degree. Hell, I even earned a special certificate for clinical psychology and know better than to claim something only a practicing professional could only guess at after numerous sessions.

    You keep demonstrating how uncredible you are with each post.

  19. Dr. Tar

    You need to understand, for people like this, that was their pinnacle of success and the only thing he/she/it can bring to the table. A DFL by any one else’s standards

  20. Pee Wee’s Playhouse cracked me up. I watched it more than my son. Really funny show. The movies are hilarious.
    Presented as a show for children, yet just like a Warner Brothers cartoons Pee Wee’s Playhouse real target audience are adults.
    Paul seemed to be a intelligent person, talented as far as acting/entertainment is concerned.

    He more than likely was a decent guy despite his weaknesses. Hope he knew the Lord before his passing.

  21. I liked his kids show on Saturday morning. It was very imaginative and had live people, whereas all other Saturday morning kids shows had cheap Asian animation. His Pee-Wee character was a little weird, but he made it work. It’s too bad he got caught masturbating in a dark theater at an X-rated film. People in Hollywood are doing much worse things behind closed doors.

  22. He was such a character and really did set the creative bar for many to follow. Gave us good laughs, really great sidekicks, and fantastic art direction. Thanks, PeeWee… RIP.


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