Peer-reviewed study: Obama’s mixed messages contributing to climate change, mass confusion – IOTW Report

Peer-reviewed study: Obama’s mixed messages contributing to climate change, mass confusion

MichelleMalkin– Obama also said “if you like your plan you can keep it,” but whatever — it’s the kind of fossil fuel emission warning that has maximum impact when delivered by a man who just flew over six hours on a private jumbo jet.

Anyway, the bottom line is that the Arctic is melting and we’re all probably going to drown as a result, which for some reason is why oceanfront property values keep going up. Go figure.

Obama then followed up his dire ice-melt-doomsday scenario with this:


ice breakers


6 Comments on Peer-reviewed study: Obama’s mixed messages contributing to climate change, mass confusion

  1. It´s the 1940s all over again.
    The Øbamboozler is channeling Joseph Goebbels with his Big Lies while enabling the Iranians who are simply Hitler´s Arabs hell bent on doing to Israel in one afternoon what it took Hitler six years to do! Meanwhile President Rainbow Golfcart, the stair-prancing, pot-headed, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, two-bit, sociopathic, plastic banana republic socialist Froot-Loop, is busy fomenting hatred, discontent, fear and division by using divisive techniques of fabricated “racism” and Global Warming in hopes of creating enough chaos to tear this country apart!

  2. I know what you mean, the days are getting shorter again like they do every year. And in a little over 3 months we”ll be down to 7-8 hours of daylight when it’s not cloudy, cold or snowing. I prefer the long days of summer with at least 16-17 hrs. of daylight . The sun coming up later now means I’m driving more in the dark again, bummer.

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