Pelosi Asks a Question – We Should Answer It – IOTW Report

Pelosi Asks a Question – We Should Answer It

28 Comments on Pelosi Asks a Question – We Should Answer It

  1. When you consider that the progressive movement lives in a parallel Universe, that empathy has been redefined and followers of the progressive movement have been conditioned to accept that empathy no longer resonates with “prog voters” with it’s traditional meaning but instead has morphed into Recognizing a vulnerable person or population that can exploited to advance the progressive agenda and among progs Strategic Thinking is code for what can be done to undermine America’s interests…

    You are now prepared to do the math

  2. President Donald Trump.
    Every service member, and their families.
    Every veteran, and their families.
    Every covid patient, and their families.
    Every Canadian freedom trucker.
    Every small business owner.

    I could go on, but this is too easy. I need a challenge…
    Like: Who is a bigger liar, cheat, and fraud than Nancy Pelosi?


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