Pelosi Has Some Brass Ones.. Or She’s Just an Imbecile – IOTW Report

Pelosi Has Some Brass Ones.. Or She’s Just an Imbecile

Dear Speaker Ryan,

This week, the Committees on Energy & Commerce and Ways & Means will be marking up Republicans’ long-feared bill to dismantle affordable health care.  The GOP legislation will have life or death consequences for tens of millions of families across America, and extraordinary impacts on state and federal budgets long into the future.

The American people and Members have a right to know the full impact of this legislation before any vote in Committee or by the whole House.


What happened to having to pass it to see what’s in it?


15 Comments on Pelosi Has Some Brass Ones.. Or She’s Just an Imbecile

  1. Why can’t the Democrats join in with trying to fix things?
    Does it just have to be totally socialized medicine with high taxes for everyone or they won’t support any fixes?

  2. President Trump has told Republican leaders that he’s prepared to play hardball with congressional conservatives to pass the GOP healthcare bill, including by supporting the 2018 primary challengers of any Republican who votes against the bill.
    WTF Very Dumb move Mr. President. Choosing Ryan over Conservatives!
    Pass Bill to see whats in Phase 2 and Phase 3 same old Republican bullshit. Republicans are the biggest pussy’s I have ever seen and Trump is backing this piece of shit Bill.
    How about focusing on Tax cuts and jobs and let Obamacare explode on its own. Obama put all the bad shit in to happen in 2017 let the American people feel its pain.

  3. You can laugh,
    But it ain’t no joke

    When a simple mind,
    Has a massive stroke.

    With a head that’s empty,
    And it starts to slide …

    It’s only worse,
    When there’s nuthin inside.


    (apologies to Billy Squier)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Self-Awareness Deficit is pandemic among the elite. Living in the oxygen-poor Bubble, she doesn’t remember saying that, and she has been shielded from any reminder that she ever said it.

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