Pelosi Refers To “president-elect” Biden During Presser – IOTW Report

Pelosi Refers To “president-elect” Biden During Presser


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) referred to Democratic candidate Joe Biden as “President-elect” during a Friday press briefing despite ongoing ballot counting and chaos created by allegations of fraud.

“Pretty soon the hyphen will be gone from Vice President to President-elect Joe Biden,” said Pelosi.

Pelosi also said it is “clear” that Biden would win the White House and that it is a “happy day for our country.” More

14 Comments on Pelosi Refers To “president-elect” Biden During Presser

  1. MJA
    NOVEMBER 7, 2020 AT 9:21 AM
    “She’s the speaker of the nursing home.”

    …perhaps, but she will wield absolute power over us under whoever President Harris serves.

    So, fool though she be, she will still have a hand in our executions, so fun to mock as it may be, we’ll be mocking her on our way to the gas chamber if we don’t start using bullets instead of words real soon…

  2. It was just a week ago people on the right were mocking her because of the upcoming Trump/Republican landslide victory.

    Underestimating your enemy and overestimating yourself almost guarantees their victory and your loss.

    People never seem to understand that for some reason, in spite of thousands of years of examples.

  3. “Underestimating your enemy and overestimating yourself almost guarantees their victory and your loss.”

    Great point, Anon. As much as I loathe the woman, I wouldn’t count her out just yet. She has led House Democrats since 2003, either as Speaker or minority leader. She didn’t get there by being a dummy. She’s not going to give up power easily, even if she is well past her expiration date.

    It’s true that she is not liked by many of her House members. They tried to oust her once before and were not successful. They might be this time, we’ll have to see. She knows every trick in the book when it comes to holding onto that post.

  4. “happy day for our country.”
    If your country is China, Iran, or the Ukraine.
    If your country is Bill Gates and his $100,000,000,000, so far.
    If you country is lead by Google, Fakebook, and Twitter.


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