Pelosi says: ‘No choice but to act on impeachment’ – IOTW Report

Pelosi says: ‘No choice but to act on impeachment’


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that Democrats will proceed with articles of impeachment against President Trump, declaring that the president’s conduct “leaves us no choice but to act.”

The announcement comes after a heated House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday featuring four law professors — most of them Democrat-invited witnesses who presented arguments for impeachment. Pelosi claimed the facts are now “uncontested” that Trump “abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our national security” by allegedly using aid as leverage to seek an investigation of the Bidens from Ukraine.

“Today, I am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment,” Pelosi stated during her brief address, referring to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y.

“The president’s actions have seriously violated the Constitution,” she said. Claiming America’s democracy is at stake, she said: “The president leaves us no choice but to act because he is trying to corrupt, once again, the election for his own benefit.”

The White House swiftly hit back, with Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham tweeting the Democrats “should be ashamed.”

Trump “has done nothing but lead our country – resulting in a booming economy, more jobs & a stronger military, to name just a few of his major accomplishments. We look forward to a fair trial in the Senate,” she tweeted.

Trump himself accused Pelosi’s party of trying to impeach him over “NOTHING” and warned that it could set a dangerous precedent.

“This will mean that the beyond important and seldom used act of Impeachment will be used routinely to attack future Presidents. That is not what our Founders had in mind,” he tweeted.


24 Comments on Pelosi says: ‘No choice but to act on impeachment’

  1. this is pay back for Bill. they wanted to impeach W. but 9/11 hit so they got derailed.

    they will get torn a new one when it hits the Senate. Trump will. for the first time, be allowed to have his lawyers confront his accusers and it will be televised and landslide 2020. White House, Senate, House of Reps.

  2. Go ahead and do it, it’s time to get the whole anti-Trump thing over.

    And that will be the probable result of a Democrat political impeachment vote. They may not like the results, either the short or long term results.

  3. Go right ahead Bella Pelosi!

  4. Having grasped the apple of Treason, the Demonrats can’t let it go.
    (monkey trap)
    To let go now would be an admission of guilt – so they’ll play the charade to its ignominious conclusion.
    They ARE praying, however: PRAYING that the Horowitz report is sufficiently obscure and using a bunch of legal jargon that their rank-and-file clapping and barking seals can’t follow. They KNOW that if any justice is actually invoked, it’ll be years before it’s sorted out – plenty of time to lie, steal, and commit more treason.
    President Trump won’t be removed from office. But NO Demonrat will see the inside of a jail. America is well and truly fucked – the “Justice” and State departments (along with most of the others – major venues for funneling money to political cronies) have proven themselves corrupt: the FBI, CIA, NSA, and FISA Star-Chamber are (probably) beyond repair.

    When the Party finally demanded the Cheka dissolved after its abuses became widely know, it morphed into the NKGB (leader killed but the organization just re-named). NKGB became the NKVD (leader killed but the organization just re-named). NKVD became the MGB (leader killed but the organization just re-named). The MGB became the KGB (leader killed but the organization just re-named). The KGB became the FSS (organization just re-named).

    The gov’t will bluster and spit, but nothing substantial will occur.
    Maybe buy em new hats, like they did with the Army.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Oh and furthermore, keep in mind this is also a sub-set of the same bunch of worthless slugs who refused to for FOR tax cuts and are actually rooting for a recession just for their own political gain!
    Now who’s impeachable, hmmmmmmm?

  6. Carol Burnett is missing a golden opportunity to bring back her Norma Desmond character as Pelosi. Relevancy is only in her mind.
    “We didn’t need dialogue. We had faces.”

  7. She’s right. They have no choice. The event horizon has been reached.

    With a Republican controlled Senate, impeachment and removal is impossible. Therefore, The Plan was to keep the impeachment hearings away from the Senate, while presenting a steady drip drip drip of credible witnesses and evidence until the 2020 election in hopes of making Trump incapable of being re-elected.

    The Plan has failed, and in spectacular fashion to boot.

    Now, with the Christmas recess looming, and with time running out to do actual meaningful legislation before they have to start campaigning for their political lives, Democrats are realizing that the longer the ball stays in their court with no points to show for it, the more they will be blamed by their base for not having Orange Man perp walked from the White House, and the worse November will be for them.

    The Democrats now have no choice but to cut their losses and shove the impeachment process to the Senate. Once they do, watch the US Congressional machine fire up and crank well past 11, so they can claim to “Be About the People’s Work” while Senate Republicans are “Protecting an Illegitimate President”, and pretend like the last two years never happened.

  8. This will mean that the beyond important and seldom used act of Impeachment will be used routinely to attack future Presidents.

    By whom?

    The Republican team of The Party league, is proud of their fake loser role. (Oh sure, they always “lose” — but they’re not being paid to, so they never even try to, “win”.)

    The Democratic team of The Party league, will never even call out, let alone punish anything wearing their jersey (this day). (And, really, is the Republican team going to, ever, let another Drumpf grade error happen? Again? That’s what Super Delegates are for.)

    Once The United States (not America, you lying, fake Catholic) puts this ugly error behind them, there will never be the wherewithal to impeach. Anybody. (And don’t think The Notorious RBG doesn’t sleep refrigerate better, knowing that.)

  9. I was a teenager during Watergate and a busy parent during the Clinton impeachment but I have a question. The obvious answer is that the Dems are just doing whatever they want but isn’t it just a tad odd for the SPEAKER to just announce that they’re proceeding to the articles of impeachment. Isn’t the point of the “official” hearings for them to decide what those are? I mean, I know this whole thing has been a fiasco but seriously! What the heck ARE they doing? Do they even know? (Ya, I know they don’t care but still.)

    Put it this way, it would be interesting to see a comparison chart of the impeachment process during the Nixon and/or Clinton eras and this “thing” that’s happening. Oye.

  10. “In an uncharacteristic burst of fury, Pelosi told Rosen: “As a Catholic, I resent your using the word ‘hate’ in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone. I was raised in a way that is full — a heart full of love — and always pray for the president. And I still pray for the president. I pray for the president all the time.”

    Pelosi ain’t any more Catholic that Bergoglio, maybe even less so… if that is possible

  11. Impeachment has ALWAYS been political.

    The very idea of a cabal of corrupt maggots protecting us from some other allegedly corrupt maggot is absurd.

    Nixon (threatened)

    Politics – pure and simple.
    The House absolutely cannot find anything on President Trump, but the others were grab-bags – impeachments in search of “treason, bribery, high-crimes and (or) misdemeanors.”

    Johnson wasn’t demonic enough towards the conquered South.
    Nixon was winning in Vietnam (the socialists couldn’t allow that).
    Clinton needed to be prodded back to the center (his Chinese corruption was embarrassing).
    President Trump got elected over “the Harridan” and extensive Demonrat voter fraud (so America must be punished and the time is propitious to eviscerate the Constitution and nullify the Bill of Rights).

    izlamo delenda est …

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