Pelosi To Get Her Show Trial – IOTW Report

Pelosi To Get Her Show Trial

Trending Politics

Democrats have fully embraced the concept of the big lie and now they will be putting on a spectacle to shore it up. They’re set to create a “9/11 style” commission to investigate the so-called “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi has long been pushing for this travesty, along with the circus-like atmosphere that it will be given by the media. On Friday, the only remaining obstacle was removed when feckless GOP Rep. John Katko caved.

As the ranking member on the House Homeland Security Committee, the New York Republican agreed to allow Pelosi and the Dems to abuse their powers. They plan on hauling Trump supporters – and perhaps the former POTUS himself – before the commission in what has all of the makings of a show trial directly out of Stalinist Russia. More

14 Comments on Pelosi To Get Her Show Trial

  1. They gonna bring in that little ol’ lady and crush her spirit for the entire world to see. Only the woke white-haters will love it. Everyone else will be revolted by it.

  2. Oh ye of little faith.
    I can easily see, if San Fran Nan has the temerity to actually call on Trump to appear he would completely turn it around on her. Nan would be pissing in her Depends over what Trump would bring up on the record. She San Fran Nan would be begging to stop the whole thing quicker than you can say “Premium Ice Cream.”

  3. Nobody cares about the “insurrection” except some members of Congress and Big Media. I suspect it will be used as a perjury trap and a sound bit mine.

  4. Unfortunately, I can only fantasize about hounding the dems for their felonious, unaccountable crimes.

    Just thinking about it brings out feelings I dare not put in print.

  5. This Power Hungry woman(?)is mentally ill and sick. She does not belong representing any American, Democrat, (bait-and switch schemers or not) or illegal alien.

    But, this is just one person’s opinion. May God please listen.

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