Pelosi Wins “Profile In Courage” Award – IOTW Report

Pelosi Wins “Profile In Courage” Award


Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was awarded the 2019 Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.

The award is given to those who purportedly show “political courage” over a lifetime, or for a particularly notable incident.

Honorary Foundation President Caroline Kennedy called Pelosi, “the most important woman in American political history,” CBS News reported.

“So, the courage that that takes, really, I think, makes her an example and an inspiration for generations of Americans, men and women,” Kennedy added. More

29 Comments on Pelosi Wins “Profile In Courage” Award

  1. It’s a well established fact that Senator John F. Kennedy didn’t write “Profiles in Courage.” It was actually written by Ted Sorensen, Kennedy’s speechwriter. Kennedy was the first person to win a Pulitzer Prize for a book that was almost completely ghostwritten by someone else. All paid for by Joseph P. Kennedy to burnish his son’s reputation as an intellectual and a man ready for the Presidency. Typical Kennedy fiction. How fitting that his daughter named her award for something her father never wrote.

  2. She is an “example and inspiration”, all right. For greedy people who care nothing for the American citizen and are willing to do anything to make themselves rich and us poor.

  3. Another pointless, worthless and stupid award given by leftist morons. The best analogy I have for these is the amount of phony baloney, plastic banana awards hanging on the wall behind every incompetent bureaucrat and apparatchik in the former Soviet Union. Anyone who ever traveled to the former Soviet Union knows what I am talking about.

  4. If JFK were alive today I think he’s send Caroline to her room without her valium, fire most of the people in positions of authority that are taking his name in vain and actually find people who deserve the award rather than a political hack from a Democrat Patrician governed State.

  5. With Joe Kennedy Sr’s. bootlegging during prohibition and daddy D’Alesandro Jr’s hobnobbing with the Gambino’s, it’s only natural there be mutual support.
    Who says crime doesn’t pay?

  6. …of course, “Profiles in Courage” itself stemmed from JFKs actions in preserving his crew when the PT-109 got rammed by a Japanese destroyer, which was nice and all…but left it unsaid that a Japanese destroyer would NEVER be able to ram something as quick and nimble as a gasoline-fueled PT boat unless everyone on it, INCLUDING the Captain, were asleep…

  7. “So, the courage that that takes, really, I think, makes her an example and an inspiration for generations of Americans, men and women,”
    Except those unborn generations who will never see the light of Day thanks to Nancy.

  8. So the party of participation trophies has just given one of its members a participation trophy. My question: Does it come with hot air to keep her Goodyear Blimp ego inflated or will the taxpayers have to provide that?

  9. Profile in depravity. Supports murder by abortion, sexual perversions, illegal invaders over citizens, socialism with all of its soul and liberty crushing effects, and so forth for all of the Leftist / Democrat demonic causes.

    A special place in Hell is awaiting her arrival. Probably be right next to RGB.


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