Pelosi’s Hypocrisy On Display – Her Rhetoric When the Starr Report Was Being Released – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s Hypocrisy On Display – Her Rhetoric When the Starr Report Was Being Released

10 Comments on Pelosi’s Hypocrisy On Display – Her Rhetoric When the Starr Report Was Being Released

  1. We have a little more than a year to start showing the evidence of the REAL crime i.e. Clinton, Comey, etc…to seal the 2020 momentum. We’d best not wimp out!!!

  2. ‘start showing the evidence of the REAL crime i.e. Clinton, Nancy, Joey, George, etc’
    Lord knows it’s had 25 years, and still zip, zero, nada in the MSM.
    With ya’ Fritz on that!

  3. The turn-about show is just beginning…the gloves are off…it’s Trump’s turn now…and the cockroaches are running for the dark corners to avoid prosecution….popping out once in a while to spew their angst-ridden hatred of a duly elected President…because that is what weak-minded losers do who haven’t a clue what reality looks like. They are so mental at this point that Mueller could come out and tell them directly the President is innocent of everything and they would howl with venomous hatred against him.

    There is no winning when some aspect of our citizenry has had their minds taken over by Satan.


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