Pence Versus Schmuck – Veep Debate Open Thread – IOTW Report

Pence Versus Schmuck – Veep Debate Open Thread


116 Comments on Pence Versus Schmuck – Veep Debate Open Thread

  1. Ugh. I can’t watch. Same plan applies- following along with what you guys say about what’s happening in the debate.

    (Tim Kaine reminds me of Mr. Bean’s half brother…)

  2. Remember the time that Republican genius Paul Ryan got his clock cleaned by Joe Biden? Joe Biden, for Chrissakes. Freakin’ Idiot Joe Biden wiped out “The Genius” Paul Ryan in a debate. And the Republicans later made Ryan the Speaker! Does that make any sense at all?

  3. Kaine is like a maniacal gremlin…He reminds me of Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”.

    Yeah, and if Hitlery gets elected I’m going to react like Shelly Duvall after chopped the door down

  4. I’ve already stopped watching, fucking Kandy Kaine, he won’t shut his fucking mouth long enough for Pence to speak the truth. It’s a standard, typical fucking liberal ploy. Hey, liberals everywhere…..FUCK YOU YOU WORTHLESS FUCKING FUCK FACE.

    FUCK, I hate fucking liberals.

  5. I cannot for the life of me understand why in HELLS BELLS Trump picked pussified Pence. This is like throwing a hen in the fighting areana with a Hyena. Also, I cannot understand why that still born Rinse my Penis agreed to the conversational style, so the hyena could interrupt every word Pussy Pence is trying to pucker up and say. OMG this is a fucking disaster!!! I am seriously thinking we may have lost the war. Thanks to Trump and his oh so nice picks. That campaign manager Kellyanne Conway is adrift in the wind too. Not a clue how to street fight.

  6. Kaine’s penchant is to interrupt strategically, tactically and successfully. The moderator’s penchant is to back Kaine up by stifling Pence.

    It’s obvious to me that Kaine is making the case for a Donald trump presidency. Kaine has attacked Trump’s tax plan for only helping the upper echelon, but in Hillary’s world, the MIDDLE CLASS IS THAT UPPER ECHELON who’s Trumps tax breaks would benefit the most.

    Clinton and Kaine are fearful of a Trump presidency…


  7. I am beginning to think that these debates should have been refused and Trump just film and play his meetups around the nation. That’s a hella better than this horse shit. If he is looking for an altar of self-sacrifice to crawl on, he found it. This smacks of collusion with the RINOs and Dhimmos working together to bring Trump down. Can anyone get through to Trump and talk some sense into him? 0 for 2 is NOT going to win him election.

  8. Kaine – lie of the century. “Clinton is the one to beat terrorists.” HER FUCKING FUCKUPS IN IRAQ, SYRIA AND LIBYA CREATED TERRORISTS!!

  9. I’m passed off now cuz my wife is watching it. You knew the asshole was a lying liberal democrap and your shocked the moderator allows novacaine to talk shit and get away with it. Argh this why I don’t want to even be able to hear it. I just get all passed up and will be up till 3am now.

  10. Kaine is running the same tactics that killary did, just keep talking as much as he can, interrupt all the time and then the moderator will help him out.
    CBS babe thanks RNC.

  11. Kaine has interrupted and talked over Pence from the start. On top of that, Kaine is allowed to reply to all of Pence’s answers. That’s it – I’m out. Can’t watch this crap any longer. Pence is too much a gentleman and Kaine is an annoying putz.

  12. Moderator is a leftist shill in the tank for Kaine and Clinton. Piece of shit. She makes Orientals look stupid and that’s damn near impossible

  13. Kaines against death penalty?? Then what the fuck do you call abortion??

    With abortion you are murdering an innocent life. With death penalty you are ending a murdering demon.

  14. Keep in mind that this debate, as well as the Presidential debates, are important only to independents and undecided voters. Kaine can eat a puppy on stage, and committed Democrats would still vote for him. Pence is acting Vice-Presidential, and committed Republicans will be assured by him.

    Pence is class. Kaine is just throwing shit on the wall and hoping some of it will stick. I believe Pence; Kaine is lying most of the time. Despite the fact that this moderator is horrible and Kaine’s strategy is to interrupt, lie and obfuscate, I think independents and undecideds will see through Kaine’s bullshit.

  15. Just one more thought for the never Trump people, how would Pence have stood up against killary? They all wish he was on the top of the ticket.
    And I know that he was handicaped by the media babe.
    Trump is the only one that at this point in time that can stand stand up to this kind of crap.
    Trump is right this is rigged.

  16. the message to come out of this debate: we all know that, due to declining health issues, illary Clinton will not serve out her term, if elected president …. Timmy Kaine has proven that he does not have the TEMPERMENT to lead this nation

    …. case closed

  17. Fucking StepOnHisDickopolous is cheer leading his panel of fellow Fifth Columnists to warp and twist the VP candidates’ words to make Kaine look good and make Pence look bad.

    They’re trying to Polish A Turd

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