Pennsylvania Unions End Membership Mandates – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania Unions End Membership Mandates

WFB: Some of Pennsylvania’s most powerful labor unions have removed a key hurdle for workers who wish to resign their membership following a series of class action lawsuits.

Pennsylvania unions have long used maintenance of membership provisions (MMP) embedded in collective bargaining agreements to collect dues from government workers. Workers were only given a two week period to resign from the union ranks if they wished to cut ties. In response, several public-sector workers sued, arguing that the provisions are unconstitutional infringements on their freedom of speech. The unions agreed to suspend MMP, rather than run the risk of a lawsuit—even if they could lose tens of thousands of dollars in dues and fees.

David Osborne, president and general counsel of the Fairness Center, which represented the workers, said the contract provisions infringed on the First Amendment rights of workers. He said the government agencies that negotiated the contracts placed the interests of organized labor ahead of their own employees.

“People should have the First Amendment right not to associate with their unions and they shouldn’t have a waiting period before they do that,” Osborne said. “First Amendment rights should not be limited to 15 days every three or four years.” read more

10 Comments on Pennsylvania Unions End Membership Mandates

  1. Hitler was a very bad guy, no one can disagree. But he occasionally stumbled into doing some things that were remarkable. One was the handling of unions. Unions in Germany were not much different from the Communist, who the Nazis hated. So on achieving power, Hitler got together with all the Unions and had them list their desires. He then arranged for their dreams to come true. The following day he notified the Unions that since their desires had been met, there was no reason for them to exist and gave them the choice of disbanding of going to a camp.

  2. The unions agreed to suspend MMP, rather than run the risk of a lawsuit

    “People should have the First Amendment right not to associate with their unions and they shouldn’t have a waiting period before they do that,” Osborne said. “First Amendment rights should not be limited to 15 days every three or four years.”

    How incompetent were the unions’ counsel!? It’s settled law that “waiting periods”, “time window limits”, and “recurrent bans” are “reasonable regulation” of Constitutional “rights”.

  3. Can’t sue a union official; he don’t own anything. His cars, mansions, yachts, etc. are all owned by an LLC, whose only employees are the union boss and his family.

    The president of the Teamsters Union is Jimmy Hoffa, Jr.
    Whose the vice president, John Gotti, Jr.?
    Whose the treasurer, Whitey Bolger, Jr.?

    Somebody’s gonna lose his kneecaps over this.


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