Pentagon struggles with new Isis threat: exploding drones – IOTW Report

Pentagon struggles with new Isis threat: exploding drones

IrishTimes: Drones have killed Iraqi troops in development US military chiefs did not see coming.

Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State in northern Iraq last week shot down a small drone the size of a model aeroplane. They believed it was like the dozens of drones the terrorist organisation had been flying for reconnaissance in the area, and they transported it back to their outpost to examine it.

But as they were taking it apart, it blew up, killing two Kurdish fighters in what is believed to be one of the first times the Islamic State has successfully used a drone with explosives to kill troops on the battlefield. In the last month, Islamic State, also known as Isis, has tried to use small drones to launch attacks at least two other times, prompting US commanders in Iraq to issue a warning to forces fighting the group to treat any type of small flying aircraft as a potential explosive device.

Isis has used surveillance drones on the battlefield for some time, but the attacks – all targeting Iraqi troops – have highlighted its success in adapting readily accessible technology into a potentially effective new weapon that US advisers say could be deployed against coalition forces as the terrorist group moves to reclaim its stronghold in Mosul.

For some US military analysts and drone experts, the episodes confirmed their view that the Pentagon – which is still struggling to come up with ways to bring down drones – was slow to anticipate that militants would turn drones into weapons.

“We should have been ready for this, and we weren’t,” said PW Singer, a specialist on robotic weaponry at New America, a think tank in Washington.  MORE

15 Comments on Pentagon struggles with new Isis threat: exploding drones

  1. yeah the Pentagon is lead by old poufs who spend all day kissing the obobo butthole. They don’t have time to actually do anything to fight terrorism…FIRE THE LOT OF THEM, all LOSERS.

  2. I am an RC modler and we’ve been talking about this for years. It ain’t hard to do and we’ve been very worried about the regulation that would inevitably follow such an incident! I simply cannot believe military personnel could not foresee this! The Political Correctness is thick. Too thick!

  3. The forward looking pentagon has a solution, they’ll buy the Army a new color for their berets and dump the 9mm berretta for .38 revolvers.
    What do you expect for “political” social justice generals after Obama dumped the experienced warrior class.

  4. I’ll tell you just how this will play: We’ll do nothing and soon we’ll see Obama’s islamic Savage Sons in our own country using drones to kill innocent Americans at events. Of course, the “progressives” will do nothing to close our borders to these savages, instead, evil men like Chuck Schumer and Dickhead Blumenthal will start screaming about “drone control.”

  5. Irony – – I’m going to tell liberals that the jihadi immigrants are going to kill THEM since they are the ones promoting immorality. Muzzies will need to keep conservatives alive to pay the dhimmi tax.

  6. Talking about inept political paper pushing Generals…where in the hell is bowie bergdahl and why is this traitor not prosecuted to the full extent of military justice.
    Or is the military Justice System just like the corrupt DOJ.

    Inquiring minds want to know just how badly screwed up everything has become.

  7. Interesting shit going on in Bad_Brads gun world from an agency that I’m not suppose to know, but I do, from an individual who thinks we are strangers, but we are not. This is interesting shit because I also know where they’re at. I feel like James Bomb. I’ll expand as thus develops but it’s pretty interesting. I only share it here because I know you bastardos can keep a secret.

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