People Mag Calls Them the Most Modern Family – IOTW Report

People Mag Calls Them the Most Modern Family

I guess the word “modern” doesn’t mean what I thought it meant.



Anil boasts, “We had this perfect kid.” Then he adds, “But it wasn’t easy. There was something that was not clicking.”

A kindergarten teacher set the parents straight, telling them that one of the child’s assignments indicated something might be awry. The parents then discussed the situation with their kindergarten child. According to People, “the family realized they couldn’t deny Devina’s true self any longer.”

“The day Dev could walk, the walk was feminine. The day Dev could talk, it was really feminine.”

(Let me cut in here for a second. Why can’t the kid be male? Males are not defined one way in this modern world, are they? Isn’t doing so some sort of “ist” or “ism”? -bfh)

Vaishali hardly hesitated; “It took me about 30 seconds to take that in. I just wrapped my arms around her and said ‘You will never have to be Dev again, ever.’”

Now Devina hangs out with “peers,” such as Lily Rubenstein, a transgender 15-year-old. Rubenstein pontificated, “Family support is the number one way to ensure that your child will have a happy and healthy transition. The Keswanis are setting the example here. Because of their support, Devina has been able to live a happy and authentic life. There is nothing better than being able to do that.”




18 Comments on People Mag Calls Them the Most Modern Family

  1. There will never be a follow up story of this person’s struggle with depression and confusion and sense of betray by what the family allowed to be done to him when he becomes an adult.

    All so everyone around this individual could feel so wonderful about their own sense of inclusiveness and tolerance.

  2. Initially, I was going to begin my comment with “Let me get this straight”, because I find it odd that feminists projectile vomit praise whenever males exhibit the very same feminine behavior that they deplore in females. Now, I don’t think there’s anything to get straight.

    This is not a mindset that is meant to be understood. It is meant to be a weapon – a blunt-force attack, knocking thousands of years of universally-accepted norms out from underneath the foundation of our society, to keep those who oppose progressivism off balance. We make the mistake of trying to fight this weapon through logic and understanding, never realizing the weapon is not rooted in either of these.

  3. So true! This evil comes from the bowels of Hell. Lucifer wants perversion to reign so he has many souls with him in Hell. And it’s for no other reason than he hates God’s creation.

  4. Go ahead, don’t tell the boy the truth.
    Allow his mental quirk to develop into a full blown disorder
    Its exactly the same as telling a Schizophrenic: “You hear voices in your head? You’d better do what they tell you to”
    Enjoy the ride and the fame, your kid’s paying for it

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