People Having Difficult Making Heads or Tails of New MLK, JR. Sculpture – IOTW Report

People Having Difficult Making Heads or Tails of New MLK, JR. Sculpture

“I have a nightmare.” – MLK Jr., upon seeing sculpture.

Washington Examiner

A bronze sculpture called The Embrace honoring Martin Luther King Jr. was unveiled Friday in Boston, but the 20-feet long and 26-feet wide bronze sculpture is drawing a lot of mixed reviews.

The bronze structure, designed by conceptual artist Hank Willis Thomas, depicts the arms, shoulders, and hands of Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King hugging after he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

Plenty of social media users joined in to share their confusion about how Thomas designed the sculpture.

“I have some questions about the MLK sculpture in Boston,” said one social media user. Continues

While the sculpture lacks a head, some are seeing a male tail depending on how one views the work. Observe

43 Comments on People Having Difficult Making Heads or Tails of New MLK, JR. Sculpture

  1. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. Let me go ahead and state the obvious, in my mind’s eye, it looks pornographic like a giant pair of hands grabbing a hold of a great big, large, penis. And that without a doubt is one of the ugliest statues ever created. What was this sculptor thinking?

  2. It looks like a couple of disembodied hands fondling a giant turd.
    Maybe they should put a doggy poop bag dispenser at the base to help the confused spectators figure it out!

  3. If I crapped that good I’d hold it up in Boston Common and brag about it too.

    Het everybody. I just dropped this load and didn’t even bust a vein in my forehead.

    Don’t judge a man by the color of his skin. Judge him on the quality of his bowel movements.


    The “Pieta,” “Moses,” and “Venus de Milo” are art.
    This is an abomination – a total slap at MLK’s legacy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Well, the Quiet Marxist aka MLK Jr.’s socialist children approved of this monstrosity. It’s suppose to represent MLK Jr. and his wife, Corretta’s love for each other – interlocking arms. Sure, despite the fact he cheated on her on a regular basis and she co-sponsored his grifting “civil rights” endeavors while ignoring his affairs. The turd reference seems appropriate – MLK Jr. was full of it. A useful idiot for the Marxist cause. Unapologetically, not a fan.

  6. One set of arms is male (w/wedding ring), the other set is female (w/bracelet).

    Sorry to spoil the fun. I think the work of art is outstanding. It symbolizes love.

  7. @geoff the aardvark: “And that without a doubt is one of the ugliest statues ever created. What was this sculptor thinking?”

    He was thinking about how much he got paid for a piece of crap like that!

  8. I actually see:

    an ass, where the arms join
    that meld into 2 arms,
    holding a curved shit,
    with a cock head at the end.

    …and I’m not trying to be funny or a jerk this time.

  9. That substack angle looks like oral sex, just not sure if on itself or someone else.
    What’s worse is that thing cost $10 million.

    I know a chainsaw artist, he could have carved him and his wife for a lot less than that and it would have at least looked like people.


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