PepperHarrow Farm – IOTW Report

PepperHarrow Farm

Our twenty-acre flower farm is cozied on the bluffs above Middle River Valley surrounded by the covered bridges of Madison County, Iowa. Located outside of Des Moines, this beautiful piece of land is home to our family, three dogs, seven cats who love to welcome guests, six acres of cut flower gardens, butterflies, birds, bees, and the rest devoted to the forest and fauna that made this place home long before it was a farm. More

Then this happened. Watch

12 Comments on PepperHarrow Farm

  1. Wonderful people. After watching this, Hollywood idiots must have started slapping each other. Pelosi was probably moved to tears (and another drink). AOC probably said, “We don’t need flower farms in New York City – we have florists.” Biden probably raised their taxes. Disney is going to make a transvestite film about this, called “Disaster at Pedo Meadow”.

    All very touching.

  2. Tough to care when they hug bunnies so hard.

    “We are committed to using sustainable practices that preserve and enhance the land. A thriving ecosystem and healthy soil are the foundation on which our farm grows and we are always learning and finding ways to improve our farm’s ecological balance. Our farm is a work in progress, continually changing, evolving, and always improving. We look forward to sharing the beauty and bounty from our boutique Iowa flower farm with you. The goal is always a thriving ecosystem. Our efforts to minimize the environmental impact and plan for self-sufficiency make our small farm a diverse and educational experience. Thank you for visiting us.”

  3. These Are Americans,

    You are exactly right. Satan takes all that is good and holy and perverts in every fashion and form. Every thing of beauty and love is twisted into ugliness and hate just like this hateful twister, the Pedo is doing this to our beloved country…

    Just like this video we will stand together and pick up the pieces of our country that remain.

    The globalist worship Lucifer and seek only to destroy our America and twist it into a perverted mass of wreckage, but just as Th3 Lord God Almighty saved this family, he will save us to join our neighbors in rebuilding what was lost.

  4. @Pray Harder To Gaia You Green Twatwaffles April 1, 2022 at 6:28 am

    > Tough to care when they hug bunnies so hard.

    This. This has always been the “problem”. Americans are wonderful people. Who dream stupid dreams.

    Should others protect them from themselves? Or render them for gravy?

    Your choice. Americans. But you only get to choose once.

  5. To that idiot AOC, flowers come from farms and flower growers from all over the country and from all around the world as well. They don’t just show up miraculously at your local florist, that’s as stupid as saying that food only comes from the grocery store and is not grown by a farmer or a rancher and then is delivered to all the stores. But there are some people that are that dumb that automatically assume and believe that flowers and food are only available at a florist or store nearby. My grandparents had a small farm in N. Idaho which I grew up around when I was a kid back in the 60’s, they grew flowers and vegetables and had a roadside stand in front of their house that sold to the general public during the Spring and Summer months. My grandmother grew the most beautiful gladiolas that you ever saw and a lot of their flowers and produce was taken into Spokane and sold at local farmers markets and the large flower wholesaler as well. AOC, you are an absolute idiot, get a real job and learn that flowers and food don’t just show up at florists and grocery stores miraculously for people to enjoy. It takes hard work and you wouldn’t know how to work or even try and always expect someone else to do it for you. Tending bar is not a real job either as well as pretending to be a congress critter.


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