Perpetual High School and the Tattletale Culture – IOTW Report

Perpetual High School and the Tattletale Culture

Zero Hedge

The band Bowling for Soup has a song called “High School Never Ends.”

In it, the singer complains that he thought all the terrible things about high school would end once he graduated.

Unfortunately, he discovers…

The whole damned world is just as obsessed
With who’s the best dressed and who’s having sex
Who’s got the money, who gets the honeys
Who’s kinda cute and who’s just a mess

And you still don’t have the right look
And you don’t have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends
High school never ends

I couldn’t help thinking of this song as I watched four videos this week of “tattle-tales” calling the police for the dumbest reasons.

“Cornerstore Caroline” called the police to accused a nine-year-old black boy of groping her butt at a convenience store. Security cameras showed that his backpack accidentally brushed up against her.

“Golf Cart Gail” called police on a father on the sidelines of his son’s soccer game, as well as apparently the rest of the rival team’s parents.

In July, “ID Adam” called police on a woman after she refused to show her ID at a community pool, even though she had already used the necessary swipe card to open the locked gate.

And a student called campus safety officers to ask for an escort to her car because she saw Trump supporters and didn’t feel safe.

“Did somebody make threats to you?” The security officer asks.

“I mean, I don’t, I feel like my physical threat is like–my physical safety–is at, like, a threat. I’m just, I don’t feel comfortable walking over there, because I feel like they might jump me or something like that. I just, I don’t know, I just need someone to walk me to my car.”

The officer tells her that they don’t have the personnel to do that. She asks what she should do then. And he says, “I don’t know.”

Then there was “Permit Patty” who called the cops on an 8-year-old black girl selling water and “Barbeque Becky” who called the cops on a group of black people cooking out in public.

The mainstream media plays up the racial elements of these instances. More likely is that this happens all the time regardless of race. But the racial videos go viral because that is the narrative being pushed right now.

Ironically, #MeToo hysteria also likely contributed to “Cornerstore Caroline’s” ridiculous overreaction to an innocent young boy accidentally brushing up against her backside.

In New York City, a crowded city of over 8 million, sometimes people are going to accidentally brush up against you.

But the real problem is the knee-jerk reaction to call the police over such trivial things. It’s like society has devolved to a point where no one is an adult. People can’t just work things out among themselves, or simply get over it.

They have to tell the teacher.

These people are stuck in high school. They have been indoctrinated to get the authorities on their side whenever they have a minor personal problem.

It’s really a sleazy and pathetic way to behave.



ht/ LadyInRed

11 Comments on Perpetual High School and the Tattletale Culture

  1. Sorry, to me it’s much more insidious than an analogy to “High School.”

    Maybe I’m old school, but I find it closer to a Life-Under-STASI mentality: East Europeans ratting on their neighbors while constantly snooping. In other words, the Left’s “Dream” Culture in practice.

  2. The Good GENERAL Svejk – well said! Reading your comment brought Soros immediately to mind. Ratting on neighbors and stealing their wealth only to add to themselves. Hitlers accomplice and protege 80 years later.

  3. If this is true, regarding the tattle-tale culture, I’m not sure when it started. The only time I ended up in the principal’s office was in second grade when I was beating the face of someone named Dave at the bus stop. But He deserved it and the bus driver reported me. Not Dave.

    We had a lot of fist fights and brawls back in the 70’s and early eighties. I can’t remember once being reported or reporting it to school admins.

    Now I look at my son who is a Junior in High School. And I realize that he has never confronted nor ever been confronted by anyone. He has never fought! And for some reason I feel bad for him!

  4. Meerkat – nods. Mid-60′ for me. 1st grade and first day for me and some Rosie O’Donnell decided she had an issue with my older glasses wearing sister. Yet, why be scared of not being known for standing up for family? From Day 2 on, no issues ever again. Long time ago,,,

  5. Actually Junior High in the mid 60’s was worse for me. I got in a lot more fights and picked on in Junior High than I did when I went to HS. I was tall and skinny as all get out in JH and not very coordinated which caused a lot of jerks to try and bully me but I stuck up for myself, eventually they quit messing with me and picked on other kids who wouldn’t fight back. JH kids are far bigger assholes than in HS, by the time a lot of these jerks got to HS we all knew who they were and quit paying any attention to them. A lot of them became the first stoners when drugs hit in 67 and 68. And in HS as soon as I learned to drive and with open campus between some classes if I didn’t have to be there I’d leave for an hr. or so. I hated HS because I already felt like I already knew most of what I was supposed to know and was the best reader in the school, math not so much. But I did know space was curved because of reading about it which surprised the heck out of a lot of the other students. There is never anything such as useless knowledge.

  6. A few weeks ago, I turned onto a road that was posted as 45MPH.

    I quickly came upon a car doing about 35MPH, I braked and was right behind him. As we passed a speed limit sign that said 45MPH, he slowed even more. So I passed him, even though it was a double yellow.

    Right away he sped up and I could see him fumbling with his phone. Apparently, he was reporting me to the A U T H O R I T I E S. LOL! Whatever, snowflake!

    You fcuk with other drivers, then you expect the cops to come help you?


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