Pete Buttigieg: ‘We Are All Lifted Up’ by Stories About Abortions – IOTW Report

Pete Buttigieg: ‘We Are All Lifted Up’ by Stories About Abortions


Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg celebrated a woman’s story about an abortion she had in college, saying it was an important reminder of the freedoms under attack in America.

Buttigieg attended a Planned Parenthood campaign event in Nevada on Sunday where a woman shared her story of having an abortion in college, and the struggle she had after being criticized and ridiculed.

The former South Bend mayor thanked the woman for sharing the story, which he described as “a reminder of how we are all lifted up when we honor individual freedom and support.”

Video from the event has not surfaced online, but some reporters present shared the story across social media. read more

34 Comments on Pete Buttigieg: ‘We Are All Lifted Up’ by Stories About Abortions

  1. Once there was a rock named Pete.
    Pete was angry because people thought he looked like a ping pong ball.
    One day Pete joined a bunch of other rocks who also looked like ping pong balls and moved into a box.
    The expression “dumb as a bunch of rocks” spread throughout the land over Al Gores’ new invention.
    One day President Trump came along and picked up the box. He opened it and pulled out Pete. He exclaimed “this isn’t a rock at all, it’s a bull patty,” and he threw the box on the manure pile of history.
    And everyone lived happily ever after, except for the liberal maggots.

  2. “…a reminder of how we are all lifted up when we honor individual freedom and support.”

    Jeezus Pete, she’s talking about abortion and you answer with a meaningless platitude. Or a bra commercial. I’m not sure which, to tell the truth.

  3. …that Gay Bible he works from must be more of a blasphemic rewrite on the true Word of God than the Koran is, because no God that I see in those pages would be OK with ANYTHING this reprobate says…

  4. “16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
    Matthew 7:16-20

    …if the Lord judges this Nation by THIS fruit, I’d be looking for that rain of fire any time now…

  5. Jimmy
    FEBRUARY 18, 2020 AT 3:03 PM
    “Lift it up his ass sideways.”

    …uhh, I suspect he’d enjoy ANYTHING you did with his ass, lots of folks have done lots of unnatural things with it at his request, so maybe NOT do that…

  6. Thirdtwin
    FEBRUARY 18, 2020 AT 2:39 PM
    “…a reminder of how we are all lifted up when we honor individual freedom and support.”

    “… Or a bra commercial. I’m not sure which, to tell the truth.”

    …probably NOT a bra commercial, Petey doesn’t strike me as someone who knows or cares much about boob snoods, for one reason or another…

    …but really, he’s just blaspheming on the Bible, as homosexuals are wont to do…

    “9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

    10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.”
    Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

  7. Anybody daily been to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at your local hospital until you can no longer tolerate the thought of pro-baby killers wanting to physically tear these tiny, innocent babies apart with “do-no-harm” medical equipment?

    Any politician who utters the public words of Buttplug concerning abortion should be immediately taken off the ticket, arrested for attempted murder and/or involuntary manslaughter, so charged and tried by a jury, including sometimes later guilt-suicide by the Mother associated with the abortion.

  8. @Bob M. February 18, 2020 at 3:44 pm

    > WHAT would Rump Ranger know, about BABY HUMANS?

    He knows they’re about the size of a gerbil.

    — I’m Pete Buttgiggle, and I approve this message

  9. pianamusic
    FEBRUARY 18, 2020 AT 3:46 PM
    “Anybody daily been to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at your local hospital until you can no longer tolerate the thought of pro-baby killers wanting to physically tear these tiny, innocent babies apart with “do-no-harm” medical equipment?”

    …this sounds like an interesting story in it’s own right? Have you worked in a NICU, @pianamusic, or …God bless you …had a child in one?

    ..those are NOT places that foster the idea that life is cheap or easy, and sure give you a perspective on how precious it is…

  10. Supernightshade February 18, 2020 at 5:13 pm

    Yes, I did work there for two weeks daily monitoring and testing the air quality as a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) in the NICU in VA. First time for me, but cursed baby killers all along anyway way before this.

    How these people get into politics and spout off killing these beautiful little babies (before actual birth) sleeping and being treated so kindly and carefully by the very interested and concerned medical personnel (mostly female), was a sight to be seen by anyone espousing such insane mental sickness.

    And, yes I dated a nurse in Florida who was engaged to a doctor. He demanded an abortion and would not stop until she had it done, as it would interfere with his “professional life and future”.

    Apparfently, I was someone she could run to and met and knew her parents, who were concerned over their daughter’s growing depression. Later, she (Jennifer X) told me the whole story.

    Prior to knowing her, and after the abortion, she attempted suicide at a Ramada Inn but was found in her room and revived by the hotel and medical personnel after their 911 call.

    After I began college in AL, I continued our relationship. But, all the while, the deep depression she continually felt.

    About a 1/2 year later, she finally succeeded and I was notified of her final (successful) suicide attempt by several medical students I knew and from some who read about it in the newspaper.

  11. BTW.

    Just to clarify:

    End of second paragraph about the NICU refering to a “sight to be seen…”

    That is, if after they witnessed this, and their minds have not changed, then I believe they (who favor abortion) are mentally sick just to gain votes from baby killers, in my book.

  12. @pianamusic,

    That’s a very tragic tale, but not one that surprises me even as it breaks my heart. It is not unusual for a man to not want to deal with the consequences of his actions, and not rare for him to bully a woman into the mistake of her life, either.

    All I know of her is what you’ve told me, so while I don’t know if she had a religions component, but knowing she was any kind of nurse I have a little insight based on my experiences and those others in heath care have shared with me.

    When dealing with human wreckage, you’re going to see a lot of tragedy. No one comes to see you when things are good. You see a lot of damage from stupid decisions, lots of folks making bad decisions FOR and ABOUT children, and your not supposed to be judgemental about it.

    You also can’t internalize it, or you’ll go crazy.

    If you get personally involved in every tragedy you’re exposed to…that’s a LOT of tragedy. And you can’t fix it.

    So a coping mechanism is compartmentalization. You shove all the tragedies into a mental “WORK” folder, and never open it at home. It works, for awhile.

    But it’s always there. Those people and the wreckage of their lives are a part of you, just waiting for an excuse to move back to your frontal lobes.

    Now add the fact that most people in medicine come at it from a desire to heal. Infanticide is firmly incompatible with healing, and it may have had a doubly deleterious effect on her that her fiancee, who is ALSO committed to healing, turns out to advocate not only in favor of murder, but to cause HER to murder.

    And so she kills for him.

    And regrets it with every fiber of her being. And perhaps stirs those unquiet ghosts of other women’s tragedies as well.

    That alone may have been too much, even without knowing things like her faith or how her affiaced reacted to it.

    If you blame yourself in any way, I wouldn’t. The real suicides I’d seen over the years weren’t really folks who left it up to discussion. Decisions made from darkness and fullfilled in darkness, some folks go down the rabbit hole of guilt and despair so far, only God Himself can pull them back out…but they don’t feel worthy to call on Him, either.

    So they end it.

    Did you ever see the nurses sitting in chairs with babies on their knees, face down, drumming on the backs of blissed-out kids? This loosens the mucus for certain conditions, but inevitably is a bonding experience as well. It’s clinically beneficial, and the kids love it.

    And these would be judged unworthy.

    I worked with a man I knew to be one of a set of premature twins, because I worked with his father as well. He had to have a surfactant to be able to draw his first breath, not uncommon in preemie males. And other than being a skinny drink of water, you’d never know now that there’d been any doubt.

    I know of another man with a pair of preemees, and they went on to be doctors in their own right, probably better than the doctor who delivered them.

    And these they would kill as inconvenient.

    These they would encourage a young couple to terminate as expensive.

    You know my own thoughts on this, so I won’t repeat. Suffice to say that nothing disgusts me more than abortion, and those who would encourage and promote abortion are no more than Baal worshippers to me. I have VERY unmixed feelings about it, and don’t believe “convenience” or “expense” should EVER be an excuse.

    God will deal with them, by and by.

    But I would think the LEAST we could no, is not ELECT them.

    …unfortunately, the ladies in out Nation seem to have other ideas. They want to keep the option open.

    ..or so they think…

    God Bless,


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