Peter Fonda – Failed Actor – Recommends Stealing Early Ballots and Filling Them Out and Mailing Them In – IOTW Report

Peter Fonda – Failed Actor – Recommends Stealing Early Ballots and Filling Them Out and Mailing Them In

Let me guess, he thinks Russia interfered with the election and that act is a threat to our democracy (idiots always say democracy and not republic), but does not see stealing ballots as an interference or a threat.

Daily Wire-

Responding to a follower on Twitter who expressed concern that “only 21 percent” of millennials voted in the last election, Fonda wrote: “Then we have to take them by the hand and lead them to the water and teach them to drink! If you have a millennial in your family, take their early ballots, fill them out and mail them in, or take the ballot to the voting place and give it to the officials… no more worrying!”



25 Comments on Peter Fonda – Failed Actor – Recommends Stealing Early Ballots and Filling Them Out and Mailing Them In

  1. peter fonda was raised by a sadistic absentee father who slept around and a mother who slit her own throat.

    fonda is an old man who marinated in demonic waters and he continues to do what his handlers instruct him to do.

    pathetic and sad.

  2. This is only the beginning.

    This november and 2020 this country is going to see mass voter fraud like it’s never seen.

    Solution? Fingerprint voting machines. Try to vote more than once, and you are arrested on the spot, and your vote canceled.

    Result? There will never be another democrat elected to office again.

  3. Peter Fonda did not have to act…
    He was a real dick to advocate voter fraud,
    Treason must run in the family,
    Prosecute the bastards,
    Hang them from the same gibbet.

  4. I think Peter Fonda, like one of those VERY small yap dogs, has just enough brans to eat, sleep, crap and bark. He’s right about one thing, though. The (d)s will have to cheat on a massive scale to win elections.

  5. Voter fraud.
    Undermining the electoral process.
    Attempting to destroy the foundational “trust” (there hasn’t been any since the electoral frauds of the past Administration – but – for the sake of argument) between the electorate and the electoral officials.
    If the electoral process fails, the country dissolves into anarchy and civil war.
    Why isn’t voter fraud, promoting voter fraud, and perpetuating voter fraud taken more seriously? Could it be that the “officials” who “guard” against voter fraud profit from voter fraud? Could it be that the politicians desire voter fraud (of differing degrees of magnitude) because it is of some assistance?

    Voter fraud is TREASON – and should be punishable by death – for both the practitioners and the promoters.

    Just as with our political propensity for prevarication, the Republic cannot stand on electoral fraud – it becomes a farce – just as in Germany and Italy and England and France and Russia and China and Cuba and … &c. … and all the moslem nations.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Oregon has only mail-in ballots. I remember back in 2000, a liberal acquaintance of mine mentioned that he filled-out the ballot for his blind mother. She wanted to vote for George Bush; he said he marked Al Gore, had her sign it, and mailed it in. When I challenged him, he said “oh I was just kidding”


    the Fonda family has been Stalinist America haters for generations.
    My aunts + uncles tell me the amazing thing is that this Easterner came out West about 85 years ago. He roomed with another Easterner who was his exact opposite. Believed with all hi heart + soul in “the invisible hand of God” so he hated Marx with all his heart. this man was genius. He figured out how to fly well the worst bomber America made – B24 Liberator. refused “rotation” to America 3TIMES; he lead more successful (defined as over half the planes taking off dropped their bombs on the target)missions then the #s2,3,+4 combined. 42. the acter who believed in “the Invisible Hand of God” Was Jimmy Stewart.
    My aunts + uncles never got over how a capitalist America lover and a Stalinist America hater could not only live together for years but seem to be friends.

    But as John Ford said 52 or 53 years ago- the Navy knew that Fonda was likely a KGB agent so they put him in charge of a nothing. where he could not aid Uncle Joe to harm America.


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