Peter Navarro Indicted for Contempt of Congress – IOTW Report

Peter Navarro Indicted for Contempt of Congress


Former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro was indicted by a grand jury on contempt of Congress charges Friday for defying subpoenas from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, the Department of Justice announced. More

Let’s be honest here, Congress is contemptable. – Dr. Tar

19 Comments on Peter Navarro Indicted for Contempt of Congress

  1. They’re trying to wring out every drop of blood from this phony Jan 6 garbage. Jan 6th pales in comparison to the pain and embarrassment congress has caused the average American.

  2. My fondest hope, by far, is that when the GOP takes power those in charge have a flawless memory and remember every seedy gesture, every break of protocol, and every instance where the Dems flaunted the rule of law, all in the pursuit not only to fortify their hold on power but to literally destroy the other side.

    I’ve already mentioned that I want a GOP majority Congress to impeach Biden 3 times, but I also want congressional hearings on every crap shenanigan the Dems have pulled in the last 2 years, everything from the border, baby food, supply chain, and oil and gas leases. I also want a new committee formed so they can look at ethics breaches within our own government; Pelosi’s stock trades, Swalwell and his Chinese mistress, Adam Schiff lying about a hundred times on CNN, even Biden’s shady business deals in China and Ukraine.

    And while I’m at it, somebody please find that derelict Uvalde Chief of Police and bring him back in irons. He went into hiding the days and nobody can find him.

  3. I’m with @Rich Taylor, but damn it’s hard to get my hopes up with anything “GOP majority”. How many times does one get kicked in the ass before realizing that your hopes and wishes are with a group of backstabbers?

  4. Why do this on a Friday in June? Seems they would get more attention to have issued the indictment during the week. Are they trying to force the FBI- Perkins/Coie story out of the weekend news analysis shows by giving the MSM a political story they actually want to cover?

  5. Yeah, none of that stuff will happen, not because it shouldn’t but because the current crop of disappointments lack the political will to send a message.

    But my antiquated sense of fair play and honor demands some payback, in any fashion whatsoever.

  6. Did they have a 25+ (diverse) person swat team with body armor, armored vehicle backup and “assault weapons” to arrest this dangerous villain ???


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