Petered Out- Fonda Dead – IOTW Report

Petered Out- Fonda Dead

Peter Fonda Dead at 79 After Respiratory Failure from Lung Cancer.

56 Comments on Petered Out- Fonda Dead

  1. Wasn’t there an article recently about old folks hoping to stay alive long enough to vote against Trump?

    Peter didn’t quite make it.
    If only he didn’t live in Cali, where his vote doesn’t count anyway.
    Don’t worry Pete, you can still vote in Chicago…

  2. Amazing grace – that’s what it takes to get a libtard into heaven. I sincerely hope Peter is reunited with his dad who hopefully got dragged in with Jimmy Stewart’s help.

  3. Stop celebrating death people! This thread is sick. He wasn’t Hitler. And I was not a fan of Peter Fonda, but this dancing on graves is pretty sick.

  4. ‘I LOVED Easy Rider! the ending, anyway ‘
    Completely agrees, the ending was the best 15 seconds after having to watch 94 minutes of a crap story, worst use of real talent in a supportive cast.
    Nods Bob M

  5. My parents were the true definition of liberals. Although they had great careers and worked until retirement, they were out there.
    My first drive in movie experience was seeing – more like ignoring, “Easy Rider”. Not kidding. My parents either didn’t know the plot, or just being their weirdo liberal selves. Not a movie kids, especially in 1970, should be watching.

    Thank God I had no idea what was going on in that film. Spent most of the time eating popcorn and candy, play games with my sisters and eventually falling asleep in the car.

    Didn’t find out the Fondas were progressive socialist cretins until I became a Republican in my 30s. One of them leaving this Earth, not seeing as a bad thing.

  6. “Stop celebrating death people! This thread is sick. He wasn’t Hitler. And I was not a fan of Peter Fonda, but this dancing on graves is pretty sick.”

    He’d be dancing on yours. Consider that.

  7. @ Bob M – I was always ‘blown’ away by the movie ending as well.

    What a way to end the Sixties! Drug runners gettin’ it in the end?

    @Geoff – agree, Hopper was a FAR better actor.
    @Toby Miles – he was projecting.
    @Anon(s) – Race with the Devil was a movie made for TV mid 70’s – one BIZARRE movie. And yes they WILL dance on our graves (statues) of our parents if they could find their graves too.
    @Meerkat – Wake up!

  8. ‘this dancing on graves is pretty sick ‘
    Completely agree when pissing and sh*ting on them is so much more meaningful,,,
    My top bucket list choice is the Clintons.
    (done by anyone other than Leonard Cohen)

  9. I listen to Music from artists whose politics I disagree.
    Don’t like what he said about Barron.
    He made a living at acting and he was good in some stuff.
    His dad though. There was an actor.
    Just watched The Tin Star last night

  10. The man walked the earth. Thats it. Made not a single contribution to humanity.
    Otherwise he would have never walked on a set. Same with hanoi jane.

  11. I’ve gotten some blowback on this post:
    “Stop celebrating death people! This thread is sick. He wasn’t Hitler. And I was not a fan of Peter Fonda, but this dancing on graves is pretty sick.”

    I would like to respond:
    1. You didn’t know Peter Fonda, he was a celebrity that you only knew through your tv.
    2. The judging of celebrities is a no win for you. THEY DON’T KNOW YOU! But you think you know them. Ignore them.
    3. My Sports Authority experience with Bruce Springsteen. People surrounded him and were asking for picturures, etc…I just walked away. But there should have been a fire hose. I felt bad for the guy. But I ignored it and walked away.
    4. Leave celebrity out of your life, if you watch TMZ, you are the problem.
    5. As far as my “Dancing on graves” comment goes, it is still relevant in so many of the comments after I made it.

  12. Despicable politics but I always wished they cast him as the youngest son in the movie adaptation of Ken Kesey’s Sometimes A Great Notion.

    One of the most uniquely pro-American, anti-union movies ever made with a fantastic ending. One of Paul Newman’s lesser known roles. Hard to believe they all agreed to be in it.

  13. @meerkat. You might be mistaking our ‘Who cares?’ attitude with malicious grave stomping.
    Not true. That the man made a living wearing makeup snd funny clothes and spoke lines that was witnessed by many doesn’t make him significant. His entire family enriched themselves by wearing makeup and speaking lines written by others.

    Frankly, I have more respect for a straight talking and honest roofer, plumber or electrician. They are of more value than any self centered actor.

  14. @meerkat. I spit on a grave by pointing out that a man walked the earth? And loved his Hollywood privilege and made not a single positive contribution to humankind? Yeah. OK.
    I didn’t so much spit on his grave but stroll by his grave with little notice.


  15. PHenry said: “Made not a single contribution to humanity. I didn’t so much spit on his grave but stroll by his grave with little notice.”, yeah, you spat.

  16. @ Meerkat –

    Have you ever seen “Thomas and the Magical Train”?

    Fonda made himself further public by making some really heinous comments about the first family. He can FUCK OFF.

    For example? I will PISS on Margaret Sangers grave when I get the chance. It’s just outside of Albany.

    His darn father was Henry Fonda, as you know, let’s talk about privilege.

  17. Ms. Meerkat

    Why in the hell would you invoke HITLER in this thread?? Who is making such comparisons??

    There are actors that choose to be private and those that choose to be public. Look at Milano and others. NO difference with her and him.

    Tora, Tora, Tora!!

    They HATE you. Until you realize that, I don’t know what to say?

  18. It’s of no use to get spun around the axle, Meerkat.

    Any Fonda shitting the bed means nothing to me. The death of our beloved Doofus Dog means heaps more than some negligible stain like Fonda. I weep over Virgil Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee to this day. And I weep over Doofus the Dog, and Clyde the Cat. And many others. I don’t weep over this cunt. He was a reeking cunt, just like his father, and just like his sister.

  19. I’ve met quite a few celebrities, never really cared. Ignore them. Met some race driver yesterday. Nice guy. Don’t care.

    I want to spit on the grave of the person who invented RG-59 (coax) connectors. Gonna find that grave.

    Some people need spittin’

  20. I don’t believe I have ‘spat on his grave.’
    I merely pointed out the nasty, vile comment he made about an adolescent in an attempt to gain attention for himself. Deliberately and intentionally. In pointing that out, perhaps I have helped him to gain that attention. As far as that being some form of a linguistic diuretic- nah.


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