Petition to have the charges against Hillary challenged/reversed – IOTW Report

Petition to have the charges against Hillary challenged/reversed

This petition needed 100,000 signatures in a month. It surpassed the necessary amount of names within 48 hours.Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 1.02.29 AM

17 Comments on Petition to have the charges against Hillary challenged/reversed

  1. Pitiful, won’t matter a bit. If Comey can lay out every reason under the sun why she should have been indicted and then says it ain’t happening, accept the fact Hillary walked again.

    Evil Evil Evil

    If she is elected, there is no doubt in my mind it’s a message from God. Our fecklessness in the face of this overwhelming evil is akin to the worship of the golden calf.

  2. MM – Obama is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down with LGBTQFAGs. He leadeth me toward still voting booths. He restoreth my welfare. He leadeth me down the path of Amorality for his name’ sake.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Hillary Clinton, I fear no evil for at this point what difference does it make! Thy propaganda comforts me. She shall anoint my head with bullshit.
Forgive us for our emissions, lead us not into prosperity and deliver us from climate denial. Surely more entitlement programs and government intervention shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall forever be attached to the Federal Tit of the Democratic Peoples Republic forever and ever!
    Put your hand on the Internet and say Amen … for Other People’s Money!

  3. BFH, mark my words;
    Bill Clinton will not live to see Hillary nominated. He will go the way of Vince Foster for two reasons.
    1. She will need the sympathy votes as the election draws near.
    2. Hillary has no intention of sharing “HER” White House with anyone.

  4. MM, it’s far worse than just worshipping the golden calf. We’ve descended into hell worshipping Baal and Moloch with the 50 million + unborn children that have been aborted since 1973. And now with the outright acceptance of homosexuality, gay marriage, transgenderism etc. we’ve really stepped in it. God is our only hope, not man!

  5. I’ve been in a black mood since this fucking cunt skated. I was 99.9% sure she would but seeing her do it and being on AF1 to boot at the exact same time Comey was gobbling cock pushed me into blackness. It’s official now, liberty is dead.

    Rich & corrupt elite hags with friends in high places can break laws with impunity. The laws change from day to day & hour to hour, so whether you are punished or vindicated doesn’t depend on yaknow, the actual facts, but on who you know.

    Rule of Law is over, killed by REgressives. The government is nothing more then a system now to enrich the insiders, the Ivy League traders and bankers. They spend billions each year to get the politicians elected that pass laws to enrich them even further. Then the pols “retire” to K Street.

    The Executive Branch can’t correct this, why should it, it’s the source, it’s the final goal of any of these UniParty traitors.

    Congress? What a fucking joke. They churn the water putting on Kabuki hearings that result in nothing. They pass bills no one reads, pass budgets that are ignored, pass laws that Obama changes as he see fit and no one says shit.

    The courts? Making up bullshit to suit the UniParty’s line. Pulling “rights” out of thin air while trampling us pee-ons.

    The press? Lord, they’ve sold their souls. Once they were the watchdogs of our liberty, but now they actively, even fanatically aid & abet enemy action against the people with their non stop stream of lies. They care not a whit for the loss of their credibility, they been bought off. And now, who pays attention to them? Anyone that admits they get their info from the alphabets is an idiot. Notice how Trump consistently calls them dishonest, the most dishonest people he’s ever seen, to their faces?

    We had the greatest country ever in the history of the world and it was thrown into the sewer. For what? For money? Power? Fuck.

    Makes me sick

  6. Failed Hillary appointees – Zoe Baird, Kimba Wood, Lani Guanier …. enough said?
    Successful Hillary appointees – Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, William Kennedy for the Treasury Department and Janet Reno for attorney general. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, Kennedy was forced to resign and dozens of women and children died in Waco, Texas.

  7. Our National Founders formed a Union to give us Liberty, Freedoms and protection from a tyrannical government, all outlined in their writings and Constitution.
    What would entice so many people today to destroy what was created?
    AS “M” questioned, “Money? Power?” “What?” Is it, To transform from a union of states in a republic to a Socialist/marxist Nation governed by the UN?

  8. My liberal nephew was bemoaning having to choose between “Crazy Trump” (I doubt he’s ever heard Trump speak or read his positions) and “Grandma Nixon” (as if what Nixon did was remotely comparable to Clinton’s list of bloody perfidy). His friends think an Obama third term would be the best solution…..

  9. Where’s the petition to tar & feather that bitch, Lynch, the FBI stooge, and 0bama, and make them walk the plank off the ass end of a C-130 over a big volcano? That’s the one I want to sign.

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