Petition To Keep Trump From Making A State Visit To the UK – IOTW Report

Petition To Keep Trump From Making A State Visit To the UK

ht/ all too much

350,000 of theses signatures are probably signed Muhammad.

Geller and Spencer are banned, Trump is uninvited. The only people not banned are the Muslims who are supplanting the English.

Extremely dumb people.


20 Comments on Petition To Keep Trump From Making A State Visit To the UK

  1. It’s amazing. The Brits won the right to keep and bear arms, not once, but twice as memory serves, first there was Magna Carta, then the English Constitution. And TWICE they let that right be taken away!

    The result is self evident, a once great nation in an accelerated spiral circling the the hole in the bottom of the toilet.

  2. 1776 baby! There’s a reason we wanted to break away from England. If our President isn’t good enough to visit then screw them all. Unless they change course, the United Kingdom will be no more in twenty years.

  3. The Brits willingly invite active terrorists and subversives but don’t want to allow the President of the United States Donald Trump or Hall of Fame Radio Broadcaster Michael Savage to visit the country.

  4. These extreme tantrums will continue until severe reprisals are delivered, foreign and domestic. Arrest and prosecute violent anarchists, shun media who misrepresented and distorted facts (especially Chris Wallace. Reprehensible today on fans). . Btw 5 killed at Quebec mosque. Not a synagogue not a church. Breaking news but more trouble at religion of peace.

  5. At this point in time I would prefer President Donald Trump stay right here. We will see who really wants to be an ally by who shows up here to talk to the leader of the free world. He has Rex Tillerson and others that can travel and carry his message.

  6. FNS Fox News Sunday not fans. Close to pitching iPhone.

    Wallace was disgraceful today. Butt hurt Chris thinks media is above scrutiny for truthfulness. He sucks. Apple. Tree.

  7. I really want someone to present the leader of this pack with the slap in the face that this new restriction is not new with Trump, but rather their hero Obama. And how I wish I could be there to see the wheels turning and the eyes registering the words, “What? No, what?”

  8. If we aren’t allowed to petition against the leader of Iran visiting here and speaking (and this is America, most rights), then I fail to see how their petty little cyber contract will prevent Trump from visiting the uk. So ridiculous.

  9. The Queen told Obama she refused to allow his helicopters to land on her lawn at Windsor the last visit. HM let it be known she is not impressed with Barky. This is the muzzie mayor of London creating his tempest in the earl gray teapot. Trump should stop aid to the UK and cancel any treaties as long as the British Govt is unable to handle their own affairs. Once the Europeans allow the muslims to take over, its the end of their countries and their legacies. Shame!

  10. Weren’t they hanging themselves by their ascots, gnashing, pontificating, waving a petition, over an offensive statement made by then candidate Trump? Yeah, that was successful, pert near lost the election over that **snort**.
    Millibrand (who?) called on T May to speak to P45 about this TODAY! Tread carefully brits, with the ink barely dry on Brexit, future trade w/US is vital for your success…. America will survive.

  11. The Brits are banning some people because of the political ideology? Where’s the BCLU on this? Why no ‘protests’ and ‘lawyers working pro-bono? And the media outrage?
    Didn’t they all get the memo?

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