Pets Missing in Another Town – IOTW Report

Pets Missing in Another Town


Now there’s another disturbing pet story, this time out of Bangor, Maine, where 16 pet cats have suddenly gone missing. Is it wild animals or wild migrants? Nobody knows, because nothing has been properly investigated. But ABC News is already quick to dismiss the story, calling it a flat-out lie. How do they know that so quickly? Where’s the evidence showing they actually investigated and got to the bottom of it? Don’t hold your breath, because once again, they didn’t bother to do their job.

Well, we know better than to take the mainstream media at face value, and neither should you. That’s why we’re digging deeper, gathering all the information we can, and sharing it with you—so you can see the full picture for yourself. More

12 Comments on Pets Missing in Another Town

  1. Animals are being sacrificed on the beach where I live. Two injured pigs escaped being sacrificed and were running around the neighborhood last week. Almost daily, my local facebook group has pictures of headless chickens, goat heads, headless dogs and piles of burned animal bones.

  2. Yup, Bangor.
    Mills & co trying spread the illegals around the state.
    They’d better watch out.
    The Chinese Triads have illegal pot farms up there, some of which Mills’ brother acted as realtor for and they’ll have fun keeping them out of the Indians’ casino.

  3. The media never lies or fails to do its job!!!
    Just like this morning when every local news outlet reported my neighbor cross the street hd died in cr crash yesterdy aat around 430pm. My wife saw him at the milbox about 530…
    There ws a crash. The car he was in erlier hit tree and killed 3 people inside. But my neighbor had leftthe house in a different vehicle earlier and was nowhere near the accident!!!

    Pardon the intermittent letter a. I spilt coffee on my keybord nd a,5&6 didnt f6re so well.

  4. Can’t tell from the linked article if the cats are disappearing from rural or urban residential areas, but if it’s the latter and no remains are being found, then it’s not animals who are taking the kitties. After the covid lockdowns, here in Seattle, we’ve had an enormous overgrowth of urban coyotes. Sadly, they have decimated our pet kitty population. I grew up in rural Washington state and for fun at nightfall we’d go outside and start up the local coyotes by howling. Pretty soon there was a chorus of howling and yapping in every direction. Just on a hunch, I stepped outside a few weeks ago and gave my best coyote howl and, sure enough…

  5. Some years ago, in an upper middle-class wooded area on Spokane’s S. hill some people started missing their cats and some small dogs. It turned out that there was a coyote den found in a wooded area where the coyotes were living that was lined with animal fur. It’s not unusual for us to have coyotes around here we live fairly close to nature on the outskirts of town. A lot of the hoity-toity people up there didn’t like this, so the coyotes were trapped and eliminated but they’ll never completely eradicate them.


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