Pew Quiz: Fact or Opinion? – IOTW Report

Pew Quiz: Fact or Opinion?

Pew Research is asking if you can tell the difference between factual statements and those that are popular opinion.

Quiz Here

I managed to ace this particular test, so that must mean you can trust me completely to always give you the facts.

31 Comments on Pew Quiz: Fact or Opinion?

  1. One has to answer the quiz knowing what is their “truth” if you want a perfect score. This little test is loaded with their bias.

    Dan, there was a page at the end that tried to explain their answers. I didn’t look at it too closely since I know Obama was born abroad and global warming is a hoax.

  2. What a BS scam that is.
    They probably harvest everything they can from any computer that takes the test.

    “Immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally are a very big problem for the country today.

    You answered Factual statement
    The correct answer is Opinion statement

    I’m sorry but it is _their_ opinion that illegal immigrants aren’t a problem. Not so, mine.
    “…The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a conservative advocacy group that favors tighter immigration laws, argues that the answer is clear: illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion each year.”

    So they don’t think that 100 billion dollars isn’t a problem?
    And 5 billion to build part of a wall _is_ a problem?
    I’m with They’reALLliars, up above,- this is just another method of indoctrinating the gullible public. A twisted form of education and reinforcement.

    They also have the ‘pew hispanic research center’:
    “…About 250,000 babies were born to unauthorized immigrant parents in the United States in 2016, the latest year for which information is available, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.”
    They see a slight decline of anchor baby births as a positive thing.
    They’re selling dangerous, toxic garbage.
    They’re propagandists.

    TM, the question itself is opinion, yet they expect you to answer that it’s a fact. That’s the leftist mindset at work. – Dr. Tar

  3. The difference in this particular poll was in the phrasing; you had to distinguish between assertions that had arguably verifiable data to back them up versus assertions that contained little to verify their accuracy. “Barack Obama was born in the United States” is a factual assertion which can be backed up by facts – assuming that such facts actually exist. “Democracy is the greatest form of government” has little factual data to support it, means different things to different people, and is dependent on what type of nation or society we are referencing. For example, establishing a democracy in parts of the world that have never known democracy and whose people have never experienced it can have bad consequences.

    Frequently, there is historical data that can make a seeming opinion statement factual. “Communism/socialism always fails at some point.” The Pew poll would characterize this as opinion, but historically this is true. So take this poll with a grain of salt.

    I took the poll and did well, but then wondered if Pew or someone else would use the results to claim that I was part of the group that really felt one way or another about issues I disagree with. I usually pass on these types of quizzes, and now wish I had passed on this one.

  4. Dr. Tar:

    I managed to ace this particular test…

    That’s an assertion with no documentation or other corroboration.

    …so that must mean you can trust me completely to always give you the facts.


    Don’t get me wrong…I DO trust you, but that has nothing to do with this quiz and your claimed score. (-:

  5. PEW quiz is an elitist progressive mind game. Tip off: “Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States of America”. HA! There is absolutely no proof of that – nothing but a leftist opinion. Didn’t do well and proud of it.

  6. Being a retired manager who worked 40 years for a federal agency of about 63,000 persons, I have some insight into inefficiency and waste. If the public knew the real truth, they would have stormed us with torches and pitchforks. This survey lost all credibility on that one question.

  7. “A man is entitled to his own opinion;
    he’s not entitled to his own facts.”

    Which brings up the question: “What is a fact?”

    “facts (plural noun)
    a thing that is known or proved to be true.”

    Proved, how? “… known to be true.” is nonsense, of course, since “truth” exists in the realm of religion and/or philosophy – not in the realm of objective reality. “… a thing that is known …” can also be an opinion, though a widespread, or commonly held, opinion.

    How can anyone “prove” (beyond any doubt) the locale of Obola’s nativity?
    His mother is dead. The doctor (or medicine man or juju man) is dead. The attending nursing staff are all dead. And little babies aren’t sentient to their surroundings. So, it’s nonsense. I was told I was born in Illinois, but I have no recollection of my birth. I have a piece of paper stating the same, but have no knowledge of the paper’s origin.

    “Don’t believe anything you hear; and only half of what you see.”
    (Lew Bowles)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. 4 out of 5 for both opinion and fact categories.
    The illegal immigrant questions are what I failed.
    I still think that I was right though. Illegals are a big problem for our country, and illegals don’t have any constitutional rights.


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