Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness – IOTW Report

Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness

ht/ tony

Then there is this, from NM-

Leftism is One Manifestation of a Mental Health Issue

29 Comments on Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness

  1. Not surprising since they have been exposed to a double whammy of toxic orthodoxy. Critical race theory tells them they are evil, racists, and an exploiter of all other races, the chief mover of all misery in the world. And they were fed the nonsense of modern day feminism and all the trappings that entails; victim-hood, bitterness, instant gratification, and narcissism. No wonder they are al miserable.

  2. There’s a difference between being mentally ill and incapable, jealous and manipulative, Those are the traits I have encountered with liberal women. Those are conscious choices.

  3. Don’t degrade the actual mentally ill – these people are simply selfish to a high degree.
    While wailing constantly about one cause or another, they don’t GAS about anyone but numero uno.

  4. I’ve known people who are conservative and moral in their private lives, but are liberal, even communist, publicly and politically. There is just no predicting the consistency of human thought. So many people are just mentally lazy. They literally don’t know how to think.

  5. Makes me wonder if the academic left has defined mental illness downward so that many of their adherers can claim the be victims of Conservative induced mental illness.

    In other words, get ready to be blamed for driving liberals crazy.

  6. Liberalism is a mental disease. The most unhappy people you’ll ever meet. Sooner or later the light goes on and they realize they’ve pissed their lives away hating white men, putting their careers before family and relationships. Sad really. Because they’re unhappy they don’t take care of themselves and evolve into unattractive PAWGs mad at the world.

  7. Watch any Hallmark movie.
    The main character leaves the city, where all her problems are, and finds a friendly, problem free life in the country.
    This is where all these nutjob libtards get the idea to move into red states.
    We must BAN Hallmark movies!!!!

  8. SAYS WHO? ?!@#$^

    I remember when THE UNIPARTY (Kennedy, Nixon….) said the man I voted for for president was crazy!

    I said horse shit in ’64. and I may still say HS!
    mental health, like beauty, is in the eye pf the beholder!

  9. I read a study about thirty years ago that the data showed that the highest, by a WIDE margin, of depression and mental illness was among those who had rejected Judeo Christian values.

    Compound that with Marxist Critical Theory indoctrination and it is a recipe for the mess we are currently seeing.

    Idiots inculcated with a sense of envy being a virtue and resentment being just and what you end up with is the backbone of Satan’s Army.

    When you add in having been blessed by the media and schools as morally superior and worship of emotion over logic at every turn, is it not understandable what motivates these easily influenced, lazy thinking subhuman beasts to think they are entitled to have everything their way?

    As for 100% of the suffering and depression their mental illness causes them personally, I am indifferent to it. I don’t give a flying fuck what they have DONE TO THEMSELVES. Fuck their Goddamn feelings. Any sympathetic feelings I have are reserved for the innocent victims affected by the increased suffering, misery and death they are responsible for willingly and knowingly propagating.

  10. The question is: Does mental illness cause leftism, or does leftism cause mental illness?

    It’s the latter, and I don’t need a study. Read what Brad and JD said. Nihilism and hopelessness will do this to you.

  11. Although sad, it is a sadness of their own making, emanating from a slavish adherence to doctrine they know it their hearts is unfulfilling and cancerous.

    Further validation of the old saying ,”None so blind as those that refuse to see”.

  12. From personal experience: One of my sisters has been very left-wing all her life. In her thirties and forties she was under psychiatric care for clinical depression and had to take medication as well. It was the whole left-wing philosophy of oppression and oppressors that did it to her. She’s still a socialist but after psychiatric care she at least came to understand people who don’t agree with her aren’t motivated by a desire to oppress society but see the world in a different way and she came to an understanding of free will and that her life isn’t pushed and pulled by malevolent forces of oppression.

    The Leftist world view is poison and drives people insane.

  13. I’m with you Jethro, I can’t stand the Hallmark Channel, the characters in those movies all suffer from the Cinderella Syndrome. 😸

    I’ve been saying for year’s that the hippy chick’s of the sixties are not only mentally deranged, but they have bred more crazies with their children and grandchildren, and that’s where we’re at today. 🤨

  14. I have a progressive sister who raised her oldest daughter to be a total progressive spaz. This young woman is so fucked up and obsessed that she preaches that six year old ‘boys’ should be kicked in the balls if they ever touch a six year old girl’s butt. In her mind that is next to rape. She takes karate lessons to work out her anger but I’m seriously afraid that she will some day flip out and kill some guy for near to nothing. She already killed a family dog with one kick. She claimed that the dog accidentally walked into her karate “exercise” and was kicked by accident. I have doubts, but I wasn’t there.


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