Philippians 4:6 – IOTW Report

Philippians 4:6


The hugely popular Bible App has announced that Philippians 4:6 is the biblical “verse of the year” based on the number of times users accessed that passage.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God,” states the verse, inviting Christians to overcome anxiety through confidence in God. More

25 Comments on Philippians 4:6

  1. …I’m partial to one a few verses up.

    “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
    -Philippians 4:13

    …thank God it’s true, I’ve needed the Lord’s strenth quite a bit in the wake of my son’s surgery these last two weeks, and if He hadn’t given it to me, I wouldn’t have been where I should have been, heard what I should have heard when I needed to hear it, done what needed done, and I easily could have lost him otherwise.

    I thank the Lord for stenghthening me to the task, training me many years ago for what I needed to do now, and for making it possible to continue this postoperative course and be able to work for our living; for blessing me with a wife to be my true helpmeet in this and all things; and for healing He gas given and continues to give.

    To Him be the glory.

    I apologize to some I may not be communicating with as expected, such as @Anymouse, but it’s been a ride, and some things I can’t even tell my wife and son about lest they have even a small portion of the terror my training has given me, since I know what I’m looking at more than them, and have a fuller understanding of possible consequences. I sometimes know things I wish I didn’t, and I’ve had my old “game face” on a lot to cover the horror I’m feeling because of my knowledge, so they dont lose it.
    This is why medicating family is HARDER.

    I also thank @Claudia for her prayers. She only knows the beginning, but she blessed me going in, and I need all the help I can get, and still do.

    But I know this, once again:
    “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
    -Philippians 4:13

    God bless,

  2. …I’m partial to one a few verses up.

    “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
    -Philippians 4:13

    …thank God it’s true, I’ve needed the Lord’s strenth quite a bit in the wake of my son’s surgery these last two weeks, and if He hadn’t given it to me, I wouldn’t have been where I should have been, heard what I should have heard when I needed to hear it, done what needed done, and I easily could have lost him otherwise.

    I thank the Lord for stenghthening me to the task, training me many years ago for what I needed to do now, and for making it possible to continue this postoperative course and be able to work for our living; for blessing me with a wife to be my true helpmeet in this and all things; and for healing He gas given and continues to give.

    To Him be the glory.

    I apologize to some I may not be communicating with as expected, such as @Anymouse, but it’s been a ride, and some things I can’t even tell my wife and son about lest they have even a small portion of the terror my training has given me, since I know what I’m looking at more than them, and have a fuller understanding of possible consequences. I sometimes know things I wish I didn’t, and I’ve had my old “game face” on a lot to cover the horror I’m feeling because of my knowledge, so they dont lose it.
    This is why medicating family is HARDER.

    I also thank @Claudia for her prayers. She only knows the beginning, but she blessed me going in, and I need all the help I can get, and still do.

    But I know this, once again:
    “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
    -Philippians 4:13

    God bless,

  3. SNS, not to be concerned with keeping up with correspondence. Thought I might see you respond to this one.

    And having knowledge best not shared can be very difficult as our brain and ego tells us to share instead of biting our tongue.

    Going in Tuesday for another turn on the table myself, but “Mickey Mouse” compared to your son’s. Hang in there knowing that faith like yours will carry you.

  4. The choice of that verse would indicate a lot of people are looking at what is going on in congress and realize it is dangerous stuff for the nation, and feel uneasy about it.
    It may also indicate the demomrats have a lot negative feedback coming their way next November. Which they have earned, and deserve.

  5. That’s very nice. I need to work more on my beliefs.
    I regret that as an old, cynical poop I lean more toward
    Ephesians 6:12 
    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

  6. …thank you, @Anymouse, and I thank the Lord for you too as you have allowed me to share some of my burden with you, and that alone has been far more of a comfort than you know.

    Sorry you must also endure more medical torment, because even for a veteran like you, there is always risk and always pain. I am not equal to all the suffering around me, but my Lord is sufficient, and I will pray for you even as I prayed for my own son, that He may guide your surgeon’s hand and mind, bind your wounds, numb your pain, and bring you full and complete healing as only the Maker can.

    I know Man’s “religion” has soured you on worship of the Lord and it grieves me that other men have chosen to be a stumbling block between you and the Lord. I pray for you on that every day, too. Religions practices are corrupted by Man, and some that we are both familiar with can be very much so. I pray you don’t let that interfere with your belief in the Lord, since the fact that He had you help me, suggests that He believes in YOU…

    …God bless and protect you, @Anymouse,

  7. I’m too tired to look it up, but Supernightshade will know the verse: If God knows each bird in the sky, how much more he knows me — down to the last hair on my head.

  8. @AbigailAdams

    I think you mean,

    “6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

    7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

    8 Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God:

    9 But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.”

    Luke 12:6-9

  9. Zephaniah 3:17
    “”The Lord your God is with you,
    he is mighty to save.
    He will take great delight in you,
    he will quiet you with his love,
    He will rejoice over you with singing.”

  10. Good advice.

    side note: I have noticed a sense of elevated calm among the general public lately. The frustrations begat of the past two administrations must be wearing off finally. The negativity of the MSM and left wing elites is losing it’s effectiveness on the masses.

  11. …a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and only the love of the Lord can compensate for it.

    …Just to give a glimpse of what a private Hell looks like, let me describe but a single incident in my son’s long, painful recovery these last two weeks.

    My son had surgery for what is called “Distraction Osteogenesis”. This is a process in which screws are surgically implanted in his hard palate, his maxillary bones deliberately broken under his nose and some other purposeful damage done in an hours-long surgical procedure, and then my wife and I get to turn the screws that are left INSIDE his mouth on BOTH sides to pull his palate gradually forwards for weeks until it reaches a correct position to where new bone growth will lock it in.

    On this particular festive afternoon, my son is not a happy camper. Having copiously and forcefully vomited the surgical blood up through his shattered face and raw, new dental machinery the previous day, today he is now having problems with being “itchy”, and “Hot”, and was given a Benedryl that was theoretically ground up by a nurse so it could be mixed with water and squirted down his throat, as he had known allergy problems but obviously could not take a pill due to his recently redesigned mouth and swollen (from the endotracheal tube, vomiting, and now allergy engorged) throat.

    This did not help. He degraded until the oxygen monitor showed his SaO2 (Oxygen saturation in the blood) declining. All he had at this point was what is called a “Venturi” mask, which is an oxygen mask which is mostly holes, that is used when high concentrations are not required and the patient either does not or cannot have a full-face mask as they make them feel like they are smothering. We could not even leave THIS on as he was constantly coughing, and he did flem up a nice, bright-pink pill fragment at one point, suggesting that the Benedryl had not achieved its goal.

    Then, he started wheezing. We tried to enlist the nurse in obtaining Albuteral for him as he had been taking it before, it was on his list of meds, and we were told NOT to bring anything as the hospital would supply all. She said she couldn’t because there was no Doctor’s order for it, but she would try to get one.


    This left me, my wife, and my son’s girlfriend alone and looking at my son, who was obviously in respiratory distress, and me holding this derfy little mask that couldn’t deliver a proper dose of oxygen for the situation because of it’s design, AND because they ran it through a humidifier so it couldn’t be turned up far.

    By the grace of God, I had training so I KNEW what I could turn it up to without spraying water in his already aggravated mouth (8 LPM, pretty much max).

    I also, alone in the room, knew what the hell I was looking at.

    My wife called for prayer, which we did, but he went into retractive breathing. This is where you start to use the intercostal muscles, those between your ribs, to try to move air because your diaphragm just isn’t getting the job done. This is a prelude to respiratory failure, because what will happen, very soon, is that you will just get too damn tired to breathe, and will not be able to any more.

    And I could see my SON knew he was tiring.

    Now, because I lived this life, I knew several things no one else did.
    1) If this was NOT corrected, he would stop breathing.
    2) The USUAL response to this is to intubate.
    3) Intubation means someone is going to grab an insturment with a flat blade, a laryngoscope, and try to visualize his trachea to put it in the right place.
    4) On a conscious patient, this means vomiting, which he could NOT clear.
    5) It is NOT uncommon for the person using the laryngoscope to bear on the maxilla or front teeth, so much so that they sometimes actually BREAK the front teeth, and as a result of my son’s surgery, BOTH of these were compromised and would be easily, immediately damaged.
    6) Visualization would be FURTHER hampered by the small opening due to the swelling and the hardware in his mouth.
    7) He was ALREADY recovering from intubation, so this would FURTHER damage his throat.
    8) A bag valve mask could NOT be deployed WITHOUT an ET tube, because this has to be PRESSED against the face for a seal, and HIS face was compromised.
    9) The only OTHER option they would have, then, would be a tracheotomy, which would be WAY more for him to recover from.
    10) If we got to THAT point, my son was going to be, at best, SEVERELY injured
    11) Or, HE WAS GONNA DIE.

    All THESE unholy thoughts were MINE, and mine ALONE in the room (since it was still nurse-less), and blew past me at lightning speed and with lurid visuals from real-life things I had seen. NONE of this could I share since it wouldn’t help, and ALL of this I had to prevent with all my might and main. So, besides cranking the oxygen as described (fuckers didn’t HAVE a Christmas tree connection in the room so I couldn’t get rid of the damn bubbler), so I showed my wife how to carefully apply the oxygen to try to keep his sats up, then used the hospital’s procedure to call a code since the nurse wasn’t responsive, or indeed present despite the telemetry.

    The phone call was a piece of work too, but I won’t go into it other than to say if the VERY FIRST QUESTION they ask is “Is this an activation or a drill?” when it’s a line meant for LIFE THREATENING CRISES, you just KNOW you’re in for a good time.

    Anyway, to keep a long story from being even longer, I got a peeved charge nurse who wasn’t present for any of the foregoing, a “Blue” team, FINALLY the precious Albuterol, a Non-Rebreather mask, and my son on the way back AND on the way to ICU.


    I thank God that I knew what to do like many parents would NOT, and that I wasn’t intimated by the hospital like a lot of parents WOULD be. But the other side is that I have a nightmare clarity on what is going ON, what is NEXT, and ONLY the grace of God and the training He saw that I received back when I thought it was mere”fun” kept me from running amok and screaming at the sky, and allowed me to wear the reassuring “Game Face” I perfected lo those many years ago even though IT WAS MY OWN SON!!! so I could keep everyone ELSE, especially HIM, cooled out.

    There’s a LOT more, it’s been a journey, and it’s not over YET, but things are better and God was with me the whole time, even saw to it I was TRAINED for this over a quarter-century ago when I had NO idea I would NEED it. To HIM be the glory.

    Sorry for the oversharing. Only a few will get me, like maybe @Hoo Hoo Nay Nay and @Toby Miles, among some few others, but I needed to both tell SOMEONE (youse guys) that wouldn’t be terrified by it, and to praise God for all he did, again in a venue that wouldn’t terrify my nearest and dearest. My wife loves and supports me, but she can not understand what hell I go through on these things OR my worst-case thinking when they happen, but my Lord does.

    I praise HIM, which is the point of this thread.

    “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
    Philippians 4:6 King James Version (KJV)

    Amen to that.


  12. To clarify (not a big thing perhaps) SNS reference on the veteran thing is the number of surgeries (12+) not military service. Enlisted in 67′ and they wouldn’t have me (another story altogether)

    Don’t want anyone to think I’d take credit for service when I DIDN’T…

  13. …thank you for those prayers, Claudia, and also thank you for your indulgence with your site. I appreciate you letting me lift God up even though it takes me too many words to do so, it always seems to me that it isn’t enough to cover His greatness.

    God bless,

  14. SNS – Thank You for sharing. Do NOT apologize for describing your son’s predicament (which was yours as well).

    My wife has been in the hospital two times within the last twelve months and each time was a roller-caster ride from Hell. But each time prayer kept my wife & me strong. I just said a prayer for your son. Isaiah 43:2

  15. Philippians 4:13 has been my life verse since I was in Navy boot camp back in the fall of 1972. It helped me (along with a lot of still unexplained grace) get thru boot camp and the rest of the time that I was in the Navy from 1972-75. A friend of mine in boot camp was the first one to share that verse with me and I don’t even remember his name now but it stuck with me ever since then. I want that verse or at least a reference to it engraved on my grave after I’m dead and gone if they’ll allow it in the veterans cemetery.


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