Breitbart: Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte told reporters Wednesday that, following the liberation of the Grand Mosque of Marawi, the nation’s military could now bomb mosques, madrassas, and other hiding centers to finally eliminate the Islamic State presence in the city.

Marawi is the Philippines’ only official Islamic city, as over 90 percent of the country identifies as Roman Catholic. The Maute Group and Abu Sayyaf, local Islamic State affiliates, attacked the city in May, taking hostages, killing civilians, and selling many as sex slaves. The Philippine military stated this week that it is organizing a final siege to remove all ISIS terrorists from the city. read more
Outstanding. This addresses the root of the problem.
I’m speechless
Europe, are you watching? This is how it’s done. The only way it’s done.
Can we get this guy to run for President?
The Muslim’s are Stupid , and That’s Why They Can’t Have Nice Things.
Muslims Had Their Own City , And Chose to Destroy It !
I Usually Take Issue With Destruction of Iconic Places of Worship, But Not With These Fu<ks !!!
Link to where I can donate?
Was it the 9/11 commission ? They are at war with us but we aren’t at war with them.
It’s a war people !
“Europe, are you watching?”
In horror. While peeing their pants about it.
Destroy the hive. Perfection. Damn, I wish President Trump would break free from the liberal morass that is performing a quiet, inside coup.
I served at Clark Air Base. I love the Philippians and it’s people. Mostly great people. We have a lot of folks from there in Houston.
I have three grandchildren, from different parents, that are part Filipino
They are very beautiful girls.
They are complete joy in my life.
The father of two of them, though, definitely has problems upstairs. His parental rights were taken away.
I did witness some pretty sick displays of inappropriate machoism.
While mom held the only job in the family, he was threatening to destroy her vehicle just because he wasn’t getting his way on something.
Just one of many juvenile thinngs he pulled during their relationship.
Just as soon as we can can get Political Correctness out of the way, we may be allowed to say that iSlam is not a religion, but rather a fascist, totalitarian political state without borders disguised as a “religion” Hell-bent on world domination by a master race. No one should be surprised by this because it’s only been like this for over 1400 years. Don’t expect to be able to negotiate with it. Don’t expect it to bend. Don’t expect it to change. It isn’t going to get any better, and they aren’t about to put any COEXIST stickers on their grenade launchers if you coddle them. Duterte is doing what is needed. Take heed World!
“I Usually Take Issue With Destruction of Iconic Places of Worship…”
Me too. But Mosques are fortress outposts of Islam more than anything else. There is a big, new mosque a few miles from my house. Yesterday, the police were called and roads were closed when neighbors to the mosque found a bomb in their yard, after hearing a loud explosion the night before. Police called it an “improvised firework”, implying it was the work of neighborhood kids, but I have my doubts.
There are some things I like about that guy.
Look up the history of the phrase ” Running Amuck” if you want to understand the Filipino mindset.
Take note. This is the point to which a country is brought when moslems are allowed to populate at a rate of 6 – 10% (estimates vary that much). It takes someone like Duarte to deal with it, if they want to keep their civilization.
Grr. Duterte.
Wait til they’re full, lock the doors, then usher them all to deportation buses. Muslims are generally dumber than dog shit so they should be able to repeat the plan until all Muslims are gone. After that, cover their buildings with bacon grease and torch them.
destruction of mosques, works for me. We can start here in Houston.
Glad I’m not a Filipino Muzz.
There should never be any safe spaces for murdering terrorists.
A mosque is NOT sacred ground, it is a hot bed of destruction, murder and terror.
Kill them, no matter where they are.
That’s what I call not fucking around, and the only solution to
“pissfull” islam. 😉
This guy isn’t afraid of what will be said about him by the communists and ISIS loving leftists.
But I digress…..
Allahlujah. We need this guy as head of Homeland Security.
I remember a certain scene in Mel Gibsons’ The Patriot. Very sad scene, but would make total sense in this situation.
notice …. NO FN MUSLIM has helped anyone in the flood….bastards
they stink so bad, body ODER…maybe its a good thing….
I wonder if he knows how Black Jack Pershing put a stop to terrorist activity in the Philippines back in the day?
I also love the Philippines and the Filipino people from having been there in the early to mid 70’s when I was in the Navy. The 2 people groups that you don’t want to mess with are the Filipinos and the Turks because they play for keeps and are serious and vicious when pissed off.
I fail to see why EVEN IN WAR we keep anything sacred of the muslims.
“Oh, they are going to behead our children, but don’t blow up a mosque! That would be really really super bad!”
After what has happened in the name of islam, I wouldn’t care if they bombed all of them.
Duturte son in law is muslime so he has not been fully able to cut loose on the savages. He has been restrained honestly in dealing with the filth. He is not destroying the rat hole mosques if possible, he is allowing them to remain. That is a mistake he will regret. Those savages are a form of bacteria. If given the sliver of an opportunity to survive, anything short of complete eradication, they will come back in the future and pick up where they left off. Innocent Filipinos will be terror victims again in the future. Kill themmall now and DESTROY ALL MOSQUES AND MADRASSAS.
From what I’ve read of the seemingly endless supply of youtube vids and intertnet posting by those most devoted, I’ve come to conclude the only good moslem is an apostate by their standards. Those I’ll deal with.
Was in the Philippines when Marcos seized power.
Not discussing his ‘reign’, good or bad.
What I do know is the Philippine people love Americans, you don’t piss them off, if you know what’s good for you.
islam is a cancer, a brutal savage cancer. There is no reasoning with it. There is no appeasing of it. There is no coexisting with it. It must be forcibly cut out of civilized society before it consumes us.
@ Third Twin re: “Is Europe watching?”. Good question! A much better one would be, “Is America watching?”.
Clark AB Oct 83 and Jan 84…..Beautiful Country
Wifey is a Visayat from Cebu. When I told her this last night, it was like giving her a Christmas present.
Remember, most of those muzzies are an invasion force from other islands and not Pinoy at all.