Philly mayor begs forgiveness for dining inside Maryland eatery while his rules ban indoor eating – IOTW Report

Philly mayor begs forgiveness for dining inside Maryland eatery while his rules ban indoor eating


Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney issued an apology to residents of his city after a photo of him dining inside a restaurant in Maryland went viral, though such activity is banned in his city.

“I know some are upset that I dined indoors at a restaurant in Maryland yesterday,” he wrote in a Twitter post. “I felt the risk was low because the county I visited has had fewer than 800 COVID-19 cases, compared to over 33,000 cases in Philadelphia. Regardless, I understand the frustration.

“Restaurant owners are among the hardest hit by the pandemic. I’m sorry if my decision hurt those who’ve worked to keep their businesses going under difficult circumstances. Looking forward to reopening indoor dining soon and visiting my favorite spots,” he added in a second post that included an announcement that indoor dining, with several restrictions, will be allowed again in Philly Sept. 8. MORE

13 Comments on Philly mayor begs forgiveness for dining inside Maryland eatery while his rules ban indoor eating

  1. I agree with Claudia. Cancel yourself, asshole!

    These latest examples by Bela Pelosi and the Philly Mayor just show how little principles or integrity the democrat voters have. Time and time again democrap politicians flip their constituents the bird and say “rules for thee but not for me”. And their voters don’t say or do a thing about it. No wonder democrap pols lie cheat and steal with impunity. There is nobody who will take them to task.

    Damn those pesky irritating conservatives – they are such an annoyance to my royal lifestyle.

  2. Wait! Doesn’t leaving a supposed Covid hot spot to dine in an area relatively unaffected by Covid make him a bigger asshole than just being a hypocrite! Wasn’t he endangering all of the people in that restaurant by his very presence? How does his explanation make this better.


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