PHOTO: Donald Trump Packs Arena, Hillary Draws 200 at Dueling Events – IOTW Report

PHOTO: Donald Trump Packs Arena, Hillary Draws 200 at Dueling Events


Breitbart: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump packed an Estero, Florida arena with thousands inside and more outside for a Monday rally.

The News-Press estimated the crowd at more than 8,000 people and the heat at over 90 degrees outside the arena where attendees stood before gaining entrance to the event.

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton spoke at Temple University the same day in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was reportedly attended by less than 200 people. At the event targeted to millennial voters she acknowledged a need to court the youth vote, according to local NBC10 News. Clinton’s campaign launched “Pennsylvania Millennials for Hillary” aimed at showing support for boosting youth economic opportunities and dealing with college debt.

By way of further comparison, Hillary Clinton held a rally at the University of South Florida on September 6 that drew a 1,500 person crowd, according to the Tampa Bay Times, while a September 9 rally for Trump in Pensacola drew 12,000, according to WTSP10 News.Trump declared that those wanting to come to America must love the United States and Americans during his Monday afternoon rally near Fort Meyers.  MORE

10 Comments on PHOTO: Donald Trump Packs Arena, Hillary Draws 200 at Dueling Events

  1. And then he ate the babies, right?

    The two hundred at Hilary’s event were either there to see if she was alive or to see if she would drop dead. I know, it’s a deplorable comment but then so am I.

  2. Most of the 200 were paid to be there. A dry ham sandwich and a bottle of water plus a couple of discount coupons.
    One of my former employers used to make events like this mandatory for us just so his favorite causes and candidates would have an audience.

  3. Many years ago, P.J. O’Rourke wrote a piece about his observatons in Nicauragua when Ortega lost. He noted that there were long lines and the polling places, and when those standing in line were asked by reporters, they claimed to be ready to vote for Ortega. However, Ortega lost.

    The conclusion O’Rourke reached is that people do not turn out in large numbers to maintain the status quo. CNN and the rest of the Clinton cheerleaders can root for Clinton and against Trump all they want, but people are not showing up at Trump rallies because they are fine with continuing Obama’s policies.

  4. …. yet …. according to the polls it’s a dead heat …
    (‘course they wouldn’t use the word “dead”; remind everyone too much about illary’s health … & those ‘vertically challenged’ demoRat voters)

  5. Dueling Events? wtf? I thought those were outlawed back in the mid-1800’s! Duels are usually over matters of honour, of which Hillary has NONE.

    Are they going to use blackpowder pistols or more modern pistols like a Webley Revolver? I would pay 10 quid to see such an event.

  6. It doesn’t matter. To paraphrase Stalin, the only thing that matters is who is counting the votes. With the assurance that the press and just-us departments are looking the other way, there will be cheating by the dems like no other election in our history.

  7. Tony R is spot on. One only has to look at the recent elections held in Russia. They certainly took Stalin’s admonishments to heart. Putin’s minions all have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from stuffing the ballot boxes.

    Example 1 – Reuters sent pollwatchers to various polling stations around the country. At every polling station for example, the pollwatchers would count 1,000 but the official vote tally for that station would be reported as 1,674.

    Example 2 – One of the Reuters pollwatchers was legally able to vote at a particular polling station. He voted for some anti-Putin party. But that polling station reported every single vote as pro-Putin, nil for the anti-Putins and the final tally was 50% more than those who’d actually shown up to vote.

    Hillary Clinton, B Hussein Obama and the rest of the Democrat Party learned their tactics from the Rules For Radicals playbook of Saul Alinsky and Alinsky learned his tactics from the Soviet Union’s Communists.


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