Photo IDs Are Not Usually Racist, Are They? – IOTW Report

Photo IDs Are Not Usually Racist, Are They?


12 Comments on Photo IDs Are Not Usually Racist, Are They?

  1. Remember the black woman caught on video saying she voted for Obama three times?

    If you think she’s the only one, you are sadly mistaken.
    Democrats can’t win without cheating….PERIOD
    If it weren’t for Cook county, Illinois would be a solid red state.
    If marion county in Indianapolis can elect a Republic mayor (Ballard) would someone please tell me how Fuck-Head Muslim Andre Carson keeps winning in landslide elections there every year?


    Solution? Thumbprint scan voting machines. You register to vote, by scanning your thumbprint. You vote in all elections and primaries by using your thumbprint. Try voting more than once and you are arrested on the spot, and your vote is canceled..

    Result? There will never be a democrat president, gov, or senator elected again.


  2. Further proof that for anyone that argues against Voter ID laws has something else in mind other than discrimination. Like fraud as in they want to be able to get away with it.

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