Pick of the Litter – IOTW Report

Pick of the Litter


As former President Donald Trump continues to handily lead his rivals in polling half a year out from voting beginning in Iowa with its famed caucuses in January, a second race is emerging among Republicans both in the 2024 presidential field and outside it. The mad dash for who will be the eventual nominee’s running mate, the next possible vice president of the United States, is well underway in GOP circles as several top Republicans vie for Trump’s consideration for the important post should the former president win the chance to represent the party yet again at the top of the ticket. More

53 Comments on Pick of the Litter

  1. None of the 14 listed would make good VPs.
    Kristi, Vivek, or Kari ain’t gonna cut it.

    He needs to think outside the box on this pick.
    No diversity bullshit either.
    Don’t pick a fucking black, asian, woman, etc just to be picking one.
    There has to be an publicly unknown business savvy guy in one of his circles, right?
    Some no-nonsense motherfucker who has no baggage and no desires to be president.

  2. I’m not saying he SHOULDN’T pick a woman, just don’t do it for PC reasons.
    It would be epic for the first woman president to be a republican.
    That may be Trump’s insurance policy like Kamala.
    They don’t want the first woman president to be Trump’s former VP.
    Hillary would nuke Wisconsin…

  3. Trump/Lake would set this race on fire. Don’t give me crap that she’s not qualified when the likes of Harris in now VP. That’s she’s no more than a “news” reader. How did the most qualified Mike Pence turn out?

    In the AZ Gov race she showed herself to be articulate on the issues that AZ faced and expressed her policy remedies very understandably.

    She’s intelligent, put together a good team-not quite good enough though on voter fraud so that’s a well earned lesson she’ll bring- looks to be quick on the uptake and just because she’s had no previous political office certainly doesn’t disqualify her in my book.

    Most important she is a firm believer in MAGA. There’s not a chance in the world she’d stab DJT in the back like many of his picks especially the last Trump VP. I mean we are voting for DJT because of his policies right?

    As for most of the other possibilities this article floated, I’m like what? Really? Nikki Haley??? Are we trying to lose? Tim Scott? Noem? Vance?(need him where he is). LBS suggests some unknown. Super but HTF do we kick that person around if they’re unknown. Right now we’re dealing with knowns. I like Kari Lake.

  4. I like Ramaswamy, he’s unorthodox and a strategic thinker. He deftly triangulated the rest of the field into a corner with his Trump pardon pledge and passed the strategic idiot Neocon Pence who thought it would be a grand idea to demonstrate his alligence to the cabal by sucking Zelensky dick.

    His status as a minority also helps offset the muh racism charge.

    The smartest move would be Winsome Sears to smash Commieliar the half black in the debates.

    Position a strong capable black female as your running mate and you checkmate the entire narrative while further exposing the tweener cunt as a lightweight pretender.

  5. I read an article that if true, stated that Ramaswamy doesn’t meet the Constitutional criteria to be president. Although he was born here, his parents had not met the 5 year threshold for citizenship at the time of his birth.

    But, the magic mulatto didn’t meet the constitutional requirements so there’s that.

    Regardless, I still believe that there will be no Trump second term. Voters no longer determine who the winner is and the winner is not going to be a Republican, any Republican.

    I know some will see that as a defeatist attitude but I have seen no corrections to our voting processes that give me any confidence.

    Is Kari Lake sitting in the Arizona governor chair? She sure isn’t.

  6. Not that I could call all the possible candidates trash, but there’s more than one definition for the word “litter.”

    Why not Michael Flynn? By the time Biden’s clammy dead hands are pried from this country we’ll probably need a strategic thinking military man to keep the opportunist at bay.

  7. An outsider that is a fearless, relentless swamp drainer. Someone willing to go scorched earth if necessary to end the corruption. Every alphabet agency needs to be either eliminated or purged from the top down.

  8. Just curious why so many people are enamored with Ramaswamy. I’m also curious why he has gone to such great lengths to hide the fact that he’s a WEF Young Global Leader. Not that I’m the suspicious type, but something just seems a bit off to me.

  9. This is probably an unpopular opinion these days, but I’ll say it.
    RFK Jr is still a democrat. He might say few things you may agree with, or like, but read the rest. He is pro lgbtq mafia, pro affirmative action, …etc.
    Even if he pretends to go against his own party, he still agrees with most of what they say and do.
    Niki Haley is a RINO, and a war monger. MTG once called her “George Bush in heels” and she is 100% right.
    Flynn’s constitutional rights were violated, and illegally prosecuted. That we all agree on. He served his country, for that I am thankful. But he lobbied for Turkey for years. Not a good pick.
    Ben Carson is a good guy, and a real Christian, unlike Mike Pence, but he is way too nice and does not usually fight back.
    Same with Tim Scott.
    I like Vivek Ramaswamy, Kari Lake, Byron Donalds, Winsome Sears, and MTG. They are strong, and fight back.
    And, this will also get some attacking me, Ron DeSantis. A proven record.
    You need an outspoken and solid person who fights. I don’t take skin color or gender as a factor. I care about any of that. I care about their character and their actions/achievements.
    Maybe others I missed are out there too.
    Remember, Trump also is not perfect. No one is, every single one of those and the rest have their flaws. But in my opinion, the ones I listed have achievement and character that overwhelmingly crush any flaw they have.
    That’s one man’s opinion.

  10. I lost all respect for Kari after she lied about DeSantis to gain favor with Trump.
    DeSantis campaigned for her in Arizona and she praised him.
    After she lost she hitched her wagon to the Only Trump team and shit all over DeSantis.
    It wasn’t necessary.
    Proved to me she has zero integrity.

    “Used to love her but I had to kill her…”

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