Piers Morgan Predicted in February That Amarosa Was Probably Secretly Recording in the White House – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan Predicted in February That Amarosa Was Probably Secretly Recording in the White House

HT/ Hot Salsa

25 Comments on Piers Morgan Predicted in February That Amarosa Was Probably Secretly Recording in the White House

  1. “On his way to work one morning
    Down the path along side the lake
    A tender hearted President saw a poor half frozen snake
    Her pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew…”

  2. This woman is a narcissistic psychopath and chronic liar. I watched the Apprenctice a little during the season when her and Piers were on it, and sometimes when her and Piers would be going at each other, I’d have to change the channel. It was a toss up between which of them would win first prize in the hypocritical liar category. Especially Omarosa, who was a complete nut case and would say or do anything for attention. I thought maybe she was just playing that role to make things “more interesting,” but apparently she really is a crazy liar.

  3. I’m so disgusted by this Omarosa story. It’s silly with all the other haters going after President Trump but this has struck a nerve with me. I really don’t care what she recorded-nothing will sway me from my support of POTUS. The jaw dropping disrespect for him and the Office of President I just can’t comprehend anymore.
    Throw the book at her.

  4. @illustr8r – someone on another blog suggested that the MSM are all over this Omarosa story to deflect away from the real story, that Keith Ellison the woman abuser, is running for AG in a primary today.

  5. Amarosa betrays the Trump administration, she is fired but will grab some cash from the MSM.
    Amarosa betrays the Obama administration, she would have been fired, pilloried in the press and never rise to prominence again.
    Amarosa betrays a Hillary Clinton administration, she would occupy a spot in the bottom of the Hudson river anchored by a large block of concrete.

    It’s all a matter of proper perspective.

  6. Affirmative Action. A nonsense verbal construct invented by the left that ultimately means, you don’t give them a job, you’re racist. If you do give them a job, take a chance, give them a shot, and they fail and betray you leading to their firing…….you’re a racist.

    No win.

  7. ^^^^^

    Will you be happy when we are out of business?

    I’m up to 4 am running this blog and up at 8.
    I feel horrible that you have to close a page by moving your index finger an 1/8th of an inch.
    I can’t run this blog anymore at a personal loss to my finances.
    I’m sick of eating Ramen.
    So I’m lining my pocket with the 12 bucks a day that ad brings in.
    I’m a greedy rich bastard, I know, I know.


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